Photolab 3, PC- Crash on Open (no improved UI ? )


I upgraded to PL3 just moments ago. I have installed it on both a Surface Pro 3 and a custom made gaming desktop (very standard setup running windows 10).

It seems that my desktop like other’s computers have PL3 crashing before even opening while PL2 was working fine (despite being a slow UN-optimized and crashy software). I tried messing with DX9, launching as admin, reinstalling, nothing does it. Hoping that you guys have a fix.

On another note, I regret that for 2 or 3 features added, the UI has not been made more flexible (better floating options, possibility to edit in full-screen preview mode), resizable side panels to increase visibility of our photos (duh !). If at least the PC version had caught up to the mac version…

Hi, if you right-click on the Start menu icon and select Event Viewer, expand the Windows Logs section at the upper left corner, then click on Application, do you see a crash report pertaining to when you tried to start PhotoLab 3?

Your log files in your user account folder Documents\DxO PhotoLab 3 logs\ might have useful info, too.

I have had no problems running it on my Windows desktop or laptop. The fact that you are having a similar problem with both of your machines may indicate something specific to your environment and setup. As to the UI, each of us has our own expectations. I’m very happy with the current UI compared to a lot of DXO’s competition. The specifics you mentioned might be nice to have but are not a big deal for me, especially since I’m using a 28" 4K monitor on my desktop.


I cannot finish preloading the software as it crashes at that loading screen.
I looked in the activity viewer under windows logs under application, system, setup, security panels but cannot find anything clearly related to DXO or Photolab wether it is an error or not. Do DXO processes appear under specific names ?
Here is what i encovered after displaying crash report :

2020-01-02 13:58:43.676 | DxO.PhotoLab - 6424 - 1 | CafList - Info | Loaded caflist version 300.1.0.2
2020-01-02 13:58:43.692 | DxO.PhotoLab - 6424 - 1 | CafList - Info | Loaded caflist version 300.1.0.2
2020-01-02 13:58:43.723 | DxO.PhotoLab - 6424 - 1 | ServiceLocator - Info | Initializing service ‘UserSettingsService’ (init order = 10).
2020-01-02 13:58:44.223 | DxO.PhotoLab - 6424 - 1 | CrashHandler - Error | DxO.PhotoLab Main Error.
2020-01-02 13:58:44.223 | DxO.PhotoLab - 6424 - 1 | CrashHandler - Error | DxO.PhotoLab Main Error.
2020-01-02 13:58:44.223 | DxO.PhotoLab - 6424 - 1 | Exception.CrashHandler - Error | System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) at DxO.OpticsPro.DopCompatibility.V14.CorrectionSettings.CorrectionSettingsUpgrader140.Upgrade(IOverridableCorrectionSettings settings, SettingsType settingsType, ImageType imageType) at DxO.OpticsPro.CorrectionEngine.Settings.CorrectionSettingsSerializer.UpgradeSettingsIfNeeded(ICorrectionSettings correctionSettings, SettingsType type, ImageType imageType) at DopCorrectionEngine.Settings.IO.Services.PresetService.ReadFromFile(String filePath) at DxO.OpticsPro.DopCompatibility.V14.SettingsUpgraderV14.CopyCustomPresetsRecursively(DirectoryInfo source, DirectoryInfo target) at DxO.OpticsPro.DopCompatibility.V14.SettingsUpgraderV14.CopyCustomPresetsRecursively(DirectoryInfo source, DirectoryInfo target) at DxO.OpticsPro.DopCompatibility.V14.SettingsUpgraderV14.CopyCustomPresetsRecursively(DirectoryInfo source, DirectoryInfo target) at DxO.OpticsPro.DopCompatibility.V14.SettingsUpgraderV14.CopyPresets() at DxO.OpticsPro.DopCompatibility.V14.SettingsUpgraderV14.UpgradeSettings(Version previousVersion, Version currentVersion) at DxONET.Extensions.ForEachExtension.ForEach[T](IEnumerable1 enumeration, Action`1 action)
at Dop.Settings.Service.UserSettingsService.UpgradeSettings()
at DxONET.Extensibility.ServiceLocator.InitializeServices()
at DxONET.Extensibility.ServiceLocatorInitializer.Initialize()
at DxO.OpticsPro.App.InitializeServiceLocator()
at DxO.OpticsPro.App.StartApplication()
at DxO.OpticsPro.App.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Application.<.ctor>b__1_0(Object unused)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
2020-01-02 13:58:44.827 | DxO.PhotoLab - 6424 - 1 | CrashHandler - Info | Show Crash window: True

It works on the surface not on my desktop. The UI is I believe lacking flexibility when working on one screen only and on the go. I just wished the full screen viewer allowed for modifications on a photo and for panels to be flexible and equally responsive whether you are on a mac or a PC. Naturally something closer to capture one in term of customization would be great.

Hello @adrienb,

Do you have custom presets and “WT Sample1 - GRADUSY.preset” among them?
In case you do not have this preset, could you, please, provide me with a set of your custom presets?

Thank you

Svetlana G.