Part 2 - Off-Topic - advice, experiences, and examples for images being processed in DxO Photolab

You only “understand”, what you like to …

Joanna made you aware about your personal informations (phone number, adress …).
You didn’t react.
When I came across those “news”, your published table with everything personal was still online since hours !
That’s why I made that remark … and Joanna send you a PM.
Then finally you reacted and deleted that table.

In case you still don’t understand, we took care of you - and you’re still playing the innocent.

And … stop cherry picking when you quote or do I need to put up another screenshot?

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But did you discover where the crd tags came from and how to get rid of them?

If you prefer, I will quote the entire message instead of “cherry picking” as you call it.

As to address and phone, that stuff has been online for decades, ever since I wanted to sell photos and race articles.

Yes, I did want to correct things, but any potential damage has been done since 20 years ago. I thought I fixed it six years ago, but I was wrong.

Thank you, and everyone else, for all the help, and advice, about so many things…

No, the technician ran out of time, and had to go.
I will call him Monday, early afternoon his time, and ask if those pages of information (XMP and crd) are coming from PhotoMechanic.

He showed me how to set things up so private information will be turned off.
Now I need to actually set it up.

I am struggling to NOT spend so much of my time in front of my computer.

Whatever I am doing wrong with PhotoMechanic, I’ve been doing wrong at least since September 2004, when I bought my D2x. I learned about PhotoMechanic in the old website. I did what they did.

Let’s see if they are still present.

I thought I had all of that turned off - today I was told to not only remove the information, but to remove the check-mark so PhotoMechanic will ignore those fields.

I just took this photo, leaving the check-marks “on” for only headline, copyright, and date. Nothing else was left active. In PhotoLab, I left “DeepPRIME” on, but didn’t select anything else.

Here’s the result, including the XMP file:

780_5705 | 2024-06-14.nef (27.9 MB)
780_5705 | 2024-06-14.nef.dop (12.3 KB)
780_5705 | 2024-06-14.xmp (1.7 KB)

From what I was told, none of that offending IPTC information should be included now.

According to Andrew, no matter what is or is not in one of those fields, if I turn off the checkmark PhotoMechanic will ignore those fields.

.xmp files are text files easily readable on your mac. They read just like .txt files.

Here’s my understanding…
The data is grouped by xml “name spaces” (xmlns:), with each group starting with a label followed by a “:” such as “crd:”, “photoshop:”, and “photomechanic:”. These are listed near the beginning of the file.
The “photomechanic;” items are the rating you apply in PM when culling/rating photos. It shows you didn’t apply any ratings to the file and are using PM6.
The “crd;” and “photoshop:” items generally come from the camera setting set by the user to define how the SOOC JPG is processed. This lets Adobe products know how to best match these JPGs. You will probably recognize several as you went through all the camera menus.
The digital rights items come from the camera or PM depending how you set PM to write these items.

Suggest you open and review the data in your .xmp file to ensure you are happy with it. Any text editor will work.

You can also read the metadata in your .NEF file too, but that takes a bit of explaining. I use the command line program EXIFTOOL. There may be other tools easier for you to use. This gets quite detailed.

This last detail may not be necessary but at least understanding what data is imbedded in the metadata can help troubleshoot some issues, such as your recent metadata search. it’s always good to know where to look.

Good Luck!


Congratulations! You now seem to be producing “clean” RAW files, with no spurious metadata and a much reduced XMP sidecar.

The RAW files are now “good to go” for sharing without fear of divulging personal information. Even the crd tags are now not being exported.

One last thing you could do is to avoid writing anything to the RAW file by unchecking the following box in PM preferences…

The XMP file is all you need to transmit the metadata to sites and agencies and that now looks fine…

<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="XMP Core 5.6.0">
 <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">
  <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
   xmp:CreatorTool="NIKON D780 Ver.01.03    "
   crd:CameraProfile="Camera Standard"
   photoshop:Headline="D780 Night Photo, no EXIF"
     <rdf:li>Michael J Myers</rdf:li>
     <rdf:li xml:lang="x-default">© 2024,  Michael Myers, All Rights Reserved.</rdf:li>

… even though the crd tags can be said to be superfluous if you are not using Adobe products.

If you disable writing to RAW files, you should also be able to add keywords using PM and, presumably search for them.

The XMP file is a universal means of transmitting metadata between different apps and is much preferred over writing metadata to RAW files.

Having said that, for my purposes and workflow, I use my app to write keywords, tags, ratings and descriptions to my RAW files, mainly because it makes searching for images with those attributes, in Finder easier.

Although PhotoLab does read metadata from RAW files, it only writes changes to metadata, made in PL, back to XMP sidecars. It then gives you the choice of which metadata to include in exported images.

On my Mac, I opened the xmp file using Apple’s “TextEdit” tool.
Yes, I can now read the file in English.
Towards the bottom, the information I specifically selected shows up, name, and copyright.
Do I understand this file? Barely.
But as Joanna pointed out, there is no longer any personal information.

Comparing the information from NEF file and XMP file, as you did, the information is similar, but the XMP file has more specific information, such as “Sharpness”. They don’t agree on “Luminance Smoothing”.

Unless you tell me otherwise, when I post image information in the future, there is no need to also post the XMP file.

What I did before, was to clear out data in the various fields.
What I did last night was to remove the check-mark, so those fields are ignored.

On my next image, I will de-select the field for "Allow RAW files to be modified.

When I post an image here, with the finished image, the raw image, and the .dop file, should I also post the xmp file, or ignore it?

I guess I’m pretty ignorant about these things, much more so than the rest of you. I’m also “slow”. To @wolfgang, it’s really not on purpose. I am just as ignorant as you suggest, and probably much more so. Maybe “dense” is a better word. Age is no excuse. I’m also not very fast, not very strong, and certainly a slow learner, and I need to read some things twice to make sure I’m not ignoring something important. No excuses, just an explanation. If you are all in photography graduate school, I’m back in the 6th grade. I also see the world “differently”, and I try to capture images that show what I am thinking/seeing at the moment. Every source I have read tells me that at some age, people begin to lose their cognitive ability. I have no idea where I am on that curve, but it’s irrelevant, as I can’t do anything about it. I do have a doctor who specializes in these things (clinical psychologist), and she keeps telling me I’m OK. As usual, for me, I suspect I know better, as every year I get “slower”. Oh well. The one “constant” for my whole life has been “photography”. But it’s now 8:30am, time to smile, turn off the computer, and go make breakfast.

Her words to me, for every day when I wake up:
Make it a Great Day!

…but when I turn on the TV, for going on a week now, Miami and South Florida are having terrible rain storms, non-stop, streets are flooded, homes are flooded, and I don’t dare drive anywhere as my car doesn’t float. The misery is on the news, day after day. And no, I don’t feel like trying to photograph it.

That’s the way to do it :grinning:

Don’t worry, it’s not really meant to be human readable, except for sandal-wearing metadata geeks.

No need at all in normal image editing circumstances.

Good. That will tell us if you have all the necessary metadata for passing on when you export files.

As we said above, no that is not necessary.

Tell me about it. We are watching less and less news these days.

Once again this thread, which at the time of this writing has 1772 posts is going way off tangent. Now were discussing Photo Mechanic in post after post. Lets be honest about this. Mike seems to have gotten himself into a metadata conundrum as a result of his lack of due diligence. This has been brought to his attention and assistance has been offered. It is now up to him to do something about it.

This is not a Photo Mechanic or general metadata support site, but it seems for the moment to be turning into one. This is the nature of Mikes threads, they are unfocused and all over the place. I feel the need to point out again that this is not a general photography forum. That is why I don’t believe he should start another one of these threads regardless of any tentative support he was given by DxO.


Amen to that.
This is not the world I remember, but I was born in 1943, when things were much worse. In 1953, for me, things were quite good, but not for the world all around me.

I have lots of great memories, from back when this was the center of my world. Still works!!! …and I still have film, that hasn’t expired. Back then, my “home” was my darkroom.

Since you feel that way, why are you responding to this thread?

So far, DxO seems very intrigued by having a “DxO Cafe” discussion. Whether or not they start it is up to them. And if they do, perhaps you should ignore it. Even this thread - leave it alone, and let those who do enjoy it to post away as they wish. Stick to those places where you do feel most comfortable, and perhaps enjoy.

Nobody is forcing anyone to read this, and much less to respond. But I hope you decide to stay involved. Ditto for the people here who feel the opposite of how I feel.

As for film cameras, I suspect you feel that does’t belong here either, but I rather enjoyed buying a Plustek negative scanner, and learning how to get those images into PhotoLab.

The topic for this thread is “Off-Topic”. If you stopped posting here, I would miss you (…and everyone else).

Mike, I am not against the concept of a “DxO Cafe” discussion at all. I’ve said that before but you seemed to have to missed it.

My concern is that it will just become one more mega thread created by you and primarily dedicated to your particular needs, like this thread is and your previous thread was. I have very little hope that won’t happen.


I don’t know that it will, or that it won’t.

Yes, I’m loaded with questions, about anything and everything, mostly related to photography one way or another.

I didn’t miss what you wrote, but why don’t you bring up topics that you and the rest of us are interested in?

Based on past experience, it’s almost guaranteed to become what you call a “mega thread”, but so many wonderful people here have also been bringing up topics. You can do the same. Joanna could easily turn the Cafe into a place to discuss the things she knows (and the rest of us may not). We could all be using it to discuss our photos processed in PhotoLab, assuming the rest of us are even using PhotoLab. I post lots of photos, but I doubt I’m the only person going around with a camera. …or maybe I’m the only person here who really DOES want feedback? Why haven’t you been doing so? The DxP Cafe might attract a lot of people, but for whatever reason, maybe they might not want to post a photo out in the open, where the don’t know if others will like it, or be critical… According to DxO, that is part of what they expected from the forums, but so few members are actually doing so. Why? Perhaps they are worried about negative feedback? When/if DxO starts this new DxO Cafe, will you use it? It’s not that I post too much, but rather than others post so little - or maybe they don’t want to discuss their photos? …I’m typing too much. Your turn.

If it’s set up as new section then as long as members stick to the normal convention of one subject per topic then it won’t become a mega thread.

Of course, if @mikemyers is the only member who ever starts a new topic…

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Oops, I never should have posted that last response. I’m tired or arguing, and I’d rather be discussing more interesting things, but that’s just my thoughts. Assuming DxO does start the “DxO Cafe”, there are several posts up above that suggest what is likely to happen.

If I’m the only person who ever starts a new topic??? I’m hoping that many people will be doing so - if I think of a “DxO Cafe”, in my mind, I picture many tables, each with people discussing whatever they want. Everyone involved in the DxO Forums could start a topic, and the users will decide what to respond to. I suspect that anyone here who wants to start a topic on how they used PhotoLab to edit their photo, would start it off with a new topic - but that’s for all of YOU to decide. If someone here wanted to start a discussion about Control Lines, or about the future of DxO, and/or PhotoLab, they could do so on a new topic, rather than tacking it on to some huge one-size-fits-all topic.

Any/all of you can send an email to DxO regarding this new Cafe, and offer your suggestions. Better to do so now, rather than after they’ve already set it up.

I suggested that the new DxO Cafe should open up in a box all by itself, at the top of the DxO forum home page, and DxO should suggest what types of discussions they feel would be most helpful, just as they do now for this forum.

As for me, I’d rather talk about DxO Software, and how to get the most out of it - and images I have created in PhotoLab - but if it’s similar to a real Cafe, then there’s no limit as to what people might want to discuss.

Isnt that what this whole forum is about??? Cafe etc is for off topic like photo mechanic etc. Im only new here trying to learn PL not photo mechanic

Based on what you wrote, you may or may not want to be involved with the Cafe section. I think @sloweddie explained this best, and I passed on the following to DxO Support. The idea of the Cafe came from @sloweddie, but I simplified it for my email to DxO, who are obviously already involved in these forum discussions. I like his concept more than my “Off-Topic” posts. To repeat…

One way or another, we need to get our photos into PhotoLab. I use Photo Mechanic, but Joanna suggested a much simpler (and free) way to do so one or two days ago. You might find that information useful:

reckon youve nailed me mike here to learn DXO PL to best of my ability and to help my genre of storm/lightning/weather photography and equine.

A retired photographer friend pointed me to DXO as i said im not into sky replacement etc etc and full blown changes, said dxo is perfect for me and easy to learn.

A few tweaks in version 8 might well be perfect for me.

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