Part 2 - Off-Topic - advice, experiences, and examples for images being processed in DxO Photolab

Do you get this one?. If I had to title it, I’d call it ‘Tree of a kind’

Technically speaking, I understand - none of us can “see” a raw file without an interpreter, any more than we can see anything on un-developed film. But I think you understand what I mean. To me, the data is still there, waiting to be brought out.

Yes. I’ve tried to take photos like this, but your example is much better than my attempts.

Of course, were you to rotate the image 90 degrees CCW, and crop differently, I’m not sure I would have understood. With a little more editing, I’d have been lost. Thank you for the idea - might be useful in the future. I have all sorts of “devious” ideas of how to use this concept. :slight_smile:

Can I make one small change to what you wrote:

There is no single default interpretation.

I now have DarkTable set up on my computer, and working. I’ve been watching lots of training videos, and processed four images for my local hospital yesterday, then exported them, then mailed them. I have not yet set up any defaults.

I am sure I can take any of my cameras outside right now, and take a single image as a RAW file, open it in DarkTable, then Export it, without making any changes, settings, or whatever, and I will get a ‘jpg’ image that I can mail. Or, I could use PhotoLab (but that has pre-set configurable settings), or any other editor I care to use, and I will still get an image.

Each editor is likely to come up with its own interpretation. Will they look the same, or similar? I suspect they might. But the important thing is it WILL come up with an interpretation, just as film does when processed, (based on how the film is developed).

A RAW file is a block of data read from the sensor that knows nothing about what you were looking at. I should have referenced what image the camera captured." I could have taken the photo with my eyes closed; the RAW file doesn’t know or care.

I hope if there comes something as a coffee room that the discussions will be more diverse.


They will only be more diverse if members make posts on a range of subjects. However, based on Mike’s two monster off-topic threads I see little appetite among members for a ‘cafe’ section, implying such a section will just be more of The Mike Myer’s Show.

No, not “brought out”, but interpreted, because, just as film depends on which chemistry you use and the timings, so a raw image depends on the demosaïcing software you use.

Mike, that is absolute hogwash. Default implies single.

And you would be wrong, otherwise there would only be one app.

Because the RAW file is not an image file, just a container for binary data. You really are getting nit-picky on definitions and missing the point entirely

Oh, yes please! I really hope it doesn’t become Mike’s personal space. But I fear we might be disappointed, looking at how few folks have the desire to participate in these monster threads.

When PhotoLab displays EXIF data, where does the user information come from?

For example, in this screen capture:

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 14.53.54

The copyright date is shown as 2021, but I have just updated my camera, and it has never had 2021 that I can remember. I remember Joanna suggesting I delete my phone number years ago, so I updated all my cameras accordingly.

Is there a setting in DxO PhotoLab on my computers where at some point in time I updated the copyright information, which I can now update?

I mistakenly assumed this information was copied from my image file.

I thought I might find it here, but no luck…

Manage images and metadata in the Library tab – PhotoLab

This is what the Cafe could be, if enough users participate. Those people who want nothing to do with it, can just ignore it.

DxO is waiting for my reply (posted earlier). I was hoping to collect ideas from a lot of people. I plan to reply to them this coming Friday morning. I for one think @sloweddie has a wonderful idea. Nobody is being forced to participate - it will be there for those who wish to use it.

Look in the camera manual Copyright Information

This gets written to the EXIF data in the file.

Here’s the metadata from your shot in NY…

[XMP]           Rights                          : © 2021, Mike Myers   (your phone)
[EXIF]          Copyright                       : ? 2021, Mike Myers   (your phone)

I’ve been on the phone for going on an hour with Nikon Tech Support. The technician was lost, but he mentioned Nikon NX Studio.

I opened NX Studio, and eventually found all the information under XMP/IPTC, including all the information you suggested I delete several years ago. The technician was lost.

You are right, obviously, so it comes down to how I can delete that information on my camera, so it won’t include it when I copy files to my computer. This technician has no idea - he is more lost than me!

Doing a quick search, I think that my answer might be found here:

[XMP/IPTC Preset]

Not sure yet how to delete this data on my cameras. Lots more reading - maybe I need to connect my computer to my camera, and make the changes from within NX Studio. I’d rather do it on the camera menu if possible.

My conclusion is that the technician was an idiot.

There is absolutely no need to use NX Studio - just go into the camera menu like I showed you in my link to the D780 manual.

Wrong! You don’t need to use NX Studio, just use the menus

Well, Nikon didn’t know how to use the menus to do that.
We went through the menus together, and he had no idea how to find these settings.

I asked on a Nikon Forum. Maybe they will suggest how to access these settings, so I can delete them.

How to delete old data from XMP / IPTC information in D780 - Technical Troubleshooting -

Have you ever done this?

@mikemyers you’re overthinking this, carefully read the section @Joanna linked above with your D780 in front of you

Walk away for an hour or so if you need to, it’s not rocket science, it’ll click I promise you :+1:

and you are inventing stuff

  • I used the jpg provided by @Stenis and cropped it to (static) square
  • B&W rendition Fuji Neopan Acros 100
  • Gamma 1,10
  • CPs for the eyes (Midtones, ClearView+, Microcontrast)
  • CP reversed for vignetting
  • sRGB export

I have no problem with your idea as long as it doesn’t become your own personal thread like this one and your previous one. And before you say that isn’t true, just about ever regular poster on this site knows that it is. You may not know it Mike but you’re famous here.


Perhaps he was not so much lost but instead confused by what you were asking. When it comes to technical subjects if you don’t ask the right questions you probably won’t get the right answers.


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Well, whatever else you did, you didn’t edit the copyright text.

Obviously you didn’t because it is still there in the metadata that you added to the camera.

I should get paid for this but, since Nikon support aren’t up to the job…

  1. Go to your camera menus and choose the Setup menu (spanner)

  2. Scroll until you find the Copyright information and select it…

  3. Edit what you see…

No, not in PhotoLab - once again, just use the camera menus.

Did you really read my previous messages about this?

Obviously, either the man’s an idiot who shouldn’t be working on support, or you didn’t explain what you wanted to do clearly enough.

You don’t delete any information, you simply change it in the menus, as shown above.

As for asking in the Nikon forums, I doubt you will get a meaningful reply since you are not asking a meaningful question.

But don’t forget, the majority of metadata I can find in your image files is stuff you must have added from your importation tool.

I am certain this is the case.

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You want easier than photolab ? Shoot jpeg.
I think what seems difficult for you is to understand how to manipulate a raw file and how to use those kind of softwares. Not especially how to use photolab.
Or maybe you’re just faking it, but in a clumsy way.

For a while I thought that your topics where topics asked by DxO so that this forum doesn’t seem dead in times of great emptiness, which frequently happened. And I found the way to do it unwise.
The fact that these topics stopped when the forum was revived by the release of a major version, for example, and resumed when discussion on the forum dropped, seems to support this idea.
I don’t really know what to think about it now. Is it this ? Is it not ?

If your goal is to promote photolab here, I don’t think it has been reached.
These long-winded subjects are discouraging, and it’s hard to come to them for information.
Would be better to create small, closed pinned forum topics on specific themes, with easy to find responses.


If I recall correctly…you use Photomechanic? If so, check your metadata defaults when ingesting if it’s not in the camera.