Part 2 - Off-Topic - advice, experiences, and examples for images being processed in DxO Photolab

Have you tried pressing the “info” button a few times to see the other screens available?

Cycling through on my D850, I get…

I am guessing you should get similar.

No I don’t. You said you would rather see the whole bird and there it is.

Well, what you’ve got doesn’t look at all bad :grinning:

Yes, while in what I call ML mode, and I press the “I” (info) button, it alternates between the screen I already posted, and this INFO screen:

I called Nikon a few hours ago, and they sent me a link to the complete on-line manual:

No, that’s the “I” button. Try the “info” button next to the bottom left of the screen

Why do you insist on referring to the D780 Live View as ML mode? All that does is confuse others. There is no ML Mode. I have a mirrorless Nikon Z body and it is still called Live View. The main difference between Live view on the D780 and the D850 is that the D780 has 273 phase detection points on its sensor and the D850 uses contrast-detection autofocus. The 273 phase detection points are also used on the Z6, but in the end Live View, whether on a Canon or a Nikon camera, doesn’t make use of a DSLR’s mirror and focuses directly on the sensor. It is just Live View . It is not ML mode. Please stop using terminology that doesn’t exist. It is difficult to take you seriously when you do that.



It seems every time you call Nikon they send you or refer to the manual.


When I bought my D850, it came with around 5 manuals. They came in very useful for levelling up our coffee table……………………………

Oh! You mean I was meant to read them? :crazy_face:

Really? You? How’s that possible? You must be got furious inside before you snap into bad language.

Ive taken this “off-topic” post as it is , a pub’s talk.
When i got bored or irritated/annoyed i just wander of for a coffee or a beer. And talk to someone else.

I asked dxo staff few times to create a main haider " livingroom" coffechamber , dxo’s pub and shuff all babling topic’s in there so visiter’s know which kind of topic they run in to.

For example ive bin being “arguing” with my dad, 92, about his decision to take an other internet and tv provider with’s inclined that his beloved emailadres and serverhost are stopping too, which he didn’t grasp in the beginning.
Tried to swiffle, proswade him towards web email but no he insised to use mozilla thunderbird pop3 which stopped working because the provider wil terminate his former account. Funny part was his realy back in the day’s provider’s smtp server was still his outgoing email server… Which rattled the cage because that was 3 weeks ago stopped working… I think in run’d 10 years longer then expected :smirk:
After few weeks having debates about just using his sleeping gmail account and forget his beloved provideremail or just pay 7,50 euro extra just for his email wile his innitial choice was to change provider to pay less for the same.
Now he’s mifted about that fact that a few of his channels he watched are gone and the channel switching is much slower., a ockward menu layout and “everything is different”

Yep pa, if a subprovider is using the same hardware as the main provider and stil be cheaper then you lose on channels, flexibility, internetspeed, and such. “owh i thought it’s the same but cheaper…”

Well now i got him, because my sister and her husban told him also, to move towards his gmail account and adapt all his login’s/accounts to that email adres. Which is non provider related. So much more flexible.

Change old men behaviour is like changing direction with a supertanker.:grin:
Easy and slow does the job.

So Mike’s post’s are just as they are, someone who struggles to change route and direction and try’s to keep it’s known course.

As long as you keep that in mind and take leave now and then to recoil your fine :rofl:

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You sound like my users of my serviced multifunctionals… :rofl:

Stapling doens’t work it’s broken.
Me testing, well it’s stapling.
Owh i ment wile i am printing.
Me looking at it’s driver, hmm your not activated the option in the driver.
I didn’t installed this i don’t know.
Me point to the the graphic picture of the mfp, see it doesn’t looke the same as you see over there… That’s clue one.
Did you read the usermanual?
No couldend find it…
Me point on the touchscreen to the ? And this?
Or go to it’s ip adres and select the manual there?
Or use the provided user manual which we place on the leftside in the first papertray?( A3 tray’s are half empty in A4setup so perfect place for manuals to store.)
Or go on line and visite the homepage of Sharp?

Well it’s easier to ask you.
Yep, coffee please and a biscuit…
I am the fairy and you can ask 3 questions for for free, use them well…

Talking about manuals, I thought I would compare the Live View screens on the D780 and my D850 to see what all the “mirrorless” hype would give me.

The D850…

The D780…

… plus the screen with the grid, which isn’t shown.

Now, please correct me if I have missed something but - where is all the super-duper “ML” stuff that is meant to make the D780 so different?

And what do the corner lines mean? Possibly that they denote the picture area because the screen covers more than just that area? If so, I have never liked having to judge where the edge of the picture should be rather than having it at the edge of the viewfinder/screen.

Nope. I’ll stick with the D850 viewfinder.

@mikemyers , you might like to reconsider that 28-300mm lens when you see what Helen got out of it yesterday…

This is a reduced size for posting but the original will print up to 16" x 24"

There are a few systems in previewing.
Rawfile/sensor info is alway’s wider. (in dxo seen by the croptool show all image.) depending on the LCD format, 3:4 3:2 or 16:9 and the corresponding sensor format they use the borders as infoplacement blacked out or filled with image depending on the chosen image format…
Electronic viewfinders have more flexibility because that’s like a pc screen.
The optic view finders have a projection i think on the backside of the viewglas.

ML is Liveview ?
That would be a projection of a closed aperture? Or is shutterspeed also visible?

Much ado about nothing.

Both Canon and Nikon (and I suspect all the other brands) offer several different selectable viewscreens for what info is displayed on their mirrorless cameras, ranging from everything including the kitchen sink (like you posted) to a very clean display showing virtually nothing but the scene itself. Very similar to what you showed for your D850, @Joanna.

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Sorry, I was too used to pressing the other button all the time…

First photo below, with camera in (what I call) ML mode, and select “Menu”.

This is after clicking the INFO button at bottom left:

This is after I press the INFO button yet again, bringing up the “level” tool:
(Level tool doesn’t work too well with the camera pointed down…)

Easy to solve, what do YOU want me to call it? And please don’t say “Live View” as the D780 is not like all the other Nikons, and nobody realizes this. Post your suggestion here, and I’ll use it from now on.
D780LV ???

You don’t understand. Even Joanna once posted an example of what happens in Live View, but that was on her D850. Live View on the D780 is not the same.

I really don’t care what you pick, as long as you don’t pick “Live View”. Hmm, in retrospect, I can just call it that, “D780 Live View”. Problem solved. Thank you!!!

On a D850, when you select “Live View”, you get what Nikon has done for ages, and what people think of as “Live View”.

On a D780, when you select “Live View”, you don’t get any of that - you get the view that people using a Mirrorless camera expect, but since it can’t be displayed in the optical viewfinder, it has to be displayed on the rear screen. They are completely different systems - what people see in the viewfinder of their Z6 II is what I get to see, but on my rear screen.

Most people it seems have no idea of this. Perhaps you do. I think Joanna now understands. But “Live View” on the D780 is not like “Live View” on the D850. The only similarity is that both are shown on the appropriate screen, which can be either on a Z6, but can only be the rear screen on the D780. The mirror on the D780 is locked in the up position.

No matter, I’ll refer to it from now on as “D780 Live View”, which will solve your concern, and suggest to others that it is not the simple Live View they have gotten used to.

For sure - at the end of every call, they always ask if they can send me some useful information, and I always say “please do” - but this time I asked for it in “pdf” format, so I could save it as a file, and maybe even print it.

D780 Online Manual

Fascinating. I used to get upset, but now I just use the marker that I think of as “frowning” which I can add to other people’s posts. Saves a lot of typing too, and relieves my frustration.

Mike, you really need to stop this silliness. It is still Live View regardless of the differences in how it achieves focus. If the manual calls it Live View, and I’m pretty sure it does, then you should call it Live View as well. Stop calling it ML mode! You just made that up. Continuing to use that term will make you look foolish.

As a result of the 273 focus points,the D780 has the most advanced Live View of any Nikon DSLR camera but it is still Live View and in most respects It is still very similar to the Live View capabilities available in most DSLRs as well as the Live View which is available in most mirrorless cameras. Stop trying to make it something that it isn’t.



Thanks for thinking of me, but the only lens on my “want list” is something with a long focal length. Also on my list is the Apple Display, but that’s $1,500, or $2,000 with your special screen. I almost traded my Df for a D850, but decided not to. …very nice photo did Helen shoot at 300mm as I suspect? According to one internet source, my “p” 70-300 has a lot of improvements. I read the article you sent me, and I read the newest version. I’m happy for you that you enjoy it so much!!