Overwriting the old Nik Collection - NOT good

Nik Collection version 6 is out now.

Note that the trial will overwrite your previous Nik(s) → Nik Collection v6 - #14 by platypus

For those who want to install several versions of Nik standalone apps, there is a way that works up to a certain point:


  • ! parallel installations of apps from Nik Collections by DxO, versions 2, 3 and 4
  • green tags identify apps that ran during my tests on macOS 12.6.5 on iMac 2019 (Intel)
  • red tags identify apps that don’t run because of the things I mention in the post linked in above
  • pattern: apps that have the new interface depend on shared resources will not cooperate
  • haven’t tested older versions
  • again: tested on a Mac and for standalone use only.
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