Are DXO Having a Laugh, or just Money Grabbing?

Good advice. The only caveat is that you are not primarily a BW photographer. For BW photography, Nik Silver Efex Pro is stronger than DxO PhotoLab. A photographer could use almost any RAW developer to prepare TIFF files for Silver Efex (the incoming TIFSS only need to be neutral renderings with a full tonal gamut).

That said, DxO PhotoLab is now my core tool for image processing, including local adjustment and repair work. The recent work improving local adjustment masking and the repair tools have even stopped me looking over the fence. There’s nothing as fast, which creates anything like the DxO quality of output on large volumes of high ISO photography (sports photographer).

Careful about even trying Nik 6 as Nik installations don’t co-exist well, as it’s even a battle to hang on to your preferences (mostly custom presets) when upgrading and downgrading. The issues with upgrade/backgrade (and questionable interface changes) have me hanging on to Nik 3 (works fine/fast on Monterrey on macOS) without trying new versions.