One of my neighbours


I know you want me to view the cow, but the castle (?) is so clear and sharp, it drags my up to the top left.

Cow is excellet.

Maybe a much wider lens opening, to blur the castle (or whatever it is)??

This was a publicity shot for an exhibition by the artists in our community. It was held in the castle, so the castle had to figure, as did the cow, since cattle are the industry here. So a requirement for two subjects, summing up the locality and the event!


Knowing that, you did great!!!
I noticed what you wanted me to notice, but I didn’t know what you just explained.

I do love the photo - I’m puzzled why nobody else is responding to it, but they would not have known what you just explained.

I never see cows lying down, neither here in USA, or India - and if I did see one, as you have pictured here, I suspect the cow would have gotten up, and moved away.

And before I forget to mention it, I also love the way you separated “near” from “far” as you did. Did it really look like that from the camera, or did you enhance it a little? Not that it matters - the end result is excellent, and even more so after reading your explanation.