A PhotoLab question - How best to take B&W photos with a “color camera” to be processed in PhotoLab. I watched a video last night from the Leica Red Dot Forum Channel:
It’s a goldmine of good information about both Leica’s Monochrom cameras, and B&W photography as it relates to color. It reminded me of things I used to know, and things I had forgotten all about.
The Monochrom cameras only record in B&W. There are no separate channels. All the information goes to one channel, and it allows shooting at ISO speeds that sound outrageous and get wonderful results.
I only got to watch the first part - need to watch the rest and then watch it again so I better understand.
While watching, I was wondering if there is any way to take a “normal” camera, and come closer to what the Monochrom does. Specifically, two things I was wondering about:
1 - What would be the appropriate settings on a “normal” camera to capture the best image in B&W - knowing that the “raw image” will still be a color image, and it will need to have the colors removed.
2 - In my old B&W photography, I might put an orange filter on the lens, and maybe even a red filter, to deepen the “blue sky”. The video suggested that is not possible with a color camera. I suspect that is because the color camera has three “channels”, and while one channel will be affected by doing this, the other two won’t.
If I won the lottery, maybe I would buy a Monochrom camera, but short of that, they are way too expensive.
What I’ve already done on my M10 and D780 was to show the B&W image in the camera, and the ‘jpg’ previews. That’s easy, but I don’t know how useful it is, if at all.
Any suggestions? (If you have time, watch the video - lots of good information there, most of it “general” and not about the Monochrom camera.