Off-Topic - advice, experiences and examples, for images that will be processed in PhotoLab

I started editing with Silkypix v5 pro for panasonic.
Which is as software calibrated, tailored, to panasonic and some other Japanese brands. I bought Silkypix v10 because of there stacking ability’s which PL don’t have and fore comparision user interface, quality level of tools.

I wanted to understand why PL didn’t had a “blacklevel” adjustment. Which i used as dehaze with shots through water of something.
Silkypix has a few smart things, which i like, embedded in the contrasttoolset, the tonecurvetool.
So in order to support my featurerequest i used those as examples to show what i liked about it.
That’s why i did a comparision between.
Silkypix toolset: Contrast balance(midpoint in tonecurve), blacklevel, clarity, Dehaze, tonecurve and some more as selective sharpening which is microcontrast. VS PL’s clearview plus, advanged contrast sliders, tone curve

Due that testing i discoverd that clearview a form of combination is between clarity and dehaze. But that blacklevel isn’t the same as microcontrast. For that you need to use tonecurve.