Off-Topic - advice, experiences and examples, for images that will be processed in PhotoLab

I like your crop more than mine, as it makes the image stronger. I already cropped it a LOT.

The advantage of the small camera is portability, but I sorely missed my longer lenses. In retrospect, I should have brought a more capable camera with me. I learned that lesson… And this is one case where I would have been much better off with my Nikon + zoom. As the oxen got closer, I was about to run out of vertical zoom, which wasn’t as easy to control on the Panasonic Lumix…

You lost me here; I did change my curve to make it closer to yours, but why does my display look so completely different? Is it because of Windows vs. Mac?

Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 08.07.20

At the top, you have an adjustable top box at the left that is set to RGB. Mine is different. Is this because my image is in JPG, not RAW ?

I suspect you are working with the “gamma” setting. Other than how to spell it, I am lost. I’ve never deliberately adjusted it, as far as I know, although when I adjust the tone curve, that seems to be related. I did find this explanation:

I think I should start a new thread asking about how to adjust “gamma” in PhotoLab, including how to do so, and why to do so. Most of the technical things I deal with I think I have a rough idea of how to do so, and provided my display is calibrated, I get to see the effects of making changes. Not so with “gamma”. :frowning: Me bad…