Now getting warning in 7.5 of already exported even when using different folder

Yos its the problem two exports were being done as I didn’t notice the original stopped being deselected when I selelectrd a diffrent one. I find in 7.5 its a bit random how this works as I am doing the same as befor but was getting the two selected.
Spent some time testing it in 6 and the original was deselected everyvtime I selected a different output but in 7.5 its a bit random ususlly check boxes keep the original selection/s but not always and description panel usually deselected the original. But I know what to look for now and will have to ensure I click the panel.

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Your screenshot in post 3 asked you to use unique names but doesn’t mention the folder. So if you used unique names than you could find the used folder and might find out which of the two exports went wrong.


Thanks that so you can save the same imiges to the origianal folder without over writing the orifinals. It just adds a slightly diffrent extention to save the same imige more than once.