No manual re-ordering of albums in PL7?

Trying to use albums to create a narrative flow of images in PL7, but I can not manually reorder the images. I can drag images but not to reorder within the album. I can drag the images, but not drop them to reorder.

Is this really a limitation of the software (seriously?!) or is this just a bug in 7.0.2? If it is not a bug, then albums are essentially pointless for any use that I have for them.

unfortunately yes :frowning:
( I used this function to sort pics within albums in LR5 )

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It seems absurd to go all the trouble of implementing projects and them omit the single most useful function over a disk-based folder, namely the ability to re-order images for processing without needing to manually rename the files. It is not even a feature that should have been difficult to implement.

This is why I am not using the projects at all, it is useless for me without the option to sort the files manually.

I don‘t understand this either, why this has not been implemented already long time ago. In PL7 there is not even a single improvement regarding the DAM features, where I thought they would improve it step by step, even if slowly.

Strategically, I think being able to use the projects properly would even keep users bounded to Photolab, it is one feature that makes it harder to switch Software, when you already have organized your pictures in Photolab.


There is a workaround: Create a new empty project. Then select (with the CTRL key on Windows) the images in your original project in the order that you would like the to be. Then drag the selected images across to the new project. Then if select the sort option ‘Added To Project’ in the browser dropdown, the images will appear in the order you want. The order is the order in which you made the original selection in the original project.

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Unfortunately, this does not seem to work on the Mac. If I drag images from one project to another, sorting by “image addition order” on the new project seems reflects the order in which the images were first added to the older project (ie when they were originally dragged from a disk folder).

This seems to be the case even if the images are dragged one by one.

In any event, even if this actually worked it would still be very painful. eg: if you had a project with 50 or more images and wanted just to flip the order of two. Drag-and-drop is convenient, but it is very easy to make mistakes.

IMO, Projects need several things to be useful:

  1. The ability to mark a project as a target and then add what every image is in the viewer using a menu/keyboard-shortcut action. Both LrC and COP provide this.

  2. The ability to manually reorder projects by dragging images. When processing multiple images, the processing order (sequence numbers) needs to follow the current project sort order. Both LrC and COP provide this.

  3. The ability to undo project changes. Both LrC and COP provide this.

  4. A means to make projects less fragile to changes in image location. On a Mac, you can store file references rather than paths in the database, which will mean that image renaming will not result in a broken link. There should also be something to help relocate lost files - for example, to allow quick recovery if the containing folders have been moved from a local to an external disk.

At present, using the macOS Finder is significantly better than attempting to use a project. With the Finder I can create a Folder and either copy the images or make aliases to the original images and/or the .dop files. I can reorder by renaming, which is tedious but at least works. And, if I rename or move the originals, the Finder aliases automatically follow the changes - so no more broken images unless the original files are deleted.

My impression is that Projects were implemented with the absolute minimum effort needed to gain a marketing tick-point. But as it stands, that marketing tick point is next to useless on a Mac. Making projects vastly more useful would only need some very basic additions, yet there is no indication that anything is being done towards this.

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