No Aspect Ratio Crop Options in PL7

PhotoLab Elite 7.02 running on macOS Sonoma 14.0 offers no aspect ratio crop options. Only “Original.”

Tested with ORF raw and JPG files.

Mac Ventura 13.6
the option is bottom left, has always been.

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Unfortunately, on my system there is no drop-down, which I always had in previous versions.

I am able to type in another aspect ratio replacing “Original.”

might be a sonoma issue. as you cans see when i posted i took this screenshot. did you updated to 7.2 from PL or downloaded from your account on DxO website?

I updated from PL.

I found that the drop down is very sensitive to where the cursor is placed. For a week I thought I had a bug, but a slight movement of the cursor and all was well in the world.

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I see different ratios on my Macs, no matter if DPL 7 is running on macOS Monterey, Ventura or Sonoma. Try to select from the sidebar crop panel too.

I can confirm this and I’ve seen it mentioned in at least one other thread.

Aim for the top left of the drop-down arrow. It’s fiddly, but I can usually get it first or second go.

download from your account on dxo website and try again, for unknown reason many times that’s where the issue is from.

I tried a new download from my DxO account. However, the same issue remained.

Yes, I am experiencing the same behavior. If I position the cursor in the upper-left of the button, the drop-down appears.

The selector in the lower toolbar is an odd animal in that entries can be edited without taking effect, custom ratios can be added (with taking effect) :person_shrugging:

In order to select a predefined ratio or enter a custom ratio, one needs to click on the triangle at the right edge of the box. When we do this, the blue frame includes the “text field” as well as the button.

You’re right, sometimes you have to click a couple of times on or beside the triangle before the list appears (I use sonoma)

please DxO fix this crop issue, it’s at the point of being annoying when you have to fiddle to get the option menu to pop up :rage:

it’s already been 2 months since this thread came up!

Did you open a Support Ticket?

That would help get a resolution or engineering fix.

nope, had no issue on Venture but now that Sonoma has been out with some bug/issue fixed, i decided it was time to upgrade. now this ratio menu gives me that problem.

i think the preview problem is more priority than this but this one should be in the top 5 to-do list.