Nikon Z9, Sigma TC-1401, Sigma 60-600 Sport

I took an image of the same primary subject (a male Tule elk with a good set of antlers) with a Nikon Z9, FTZII, Sigma 60-600 Sport with and without a Sigma TC-1401, both at 600 mm on the primary. With a crop such that the elk was the “same size” primary subject in the image, using DeepPrime XD to export NEF to JPEG for each image, the 600 mm was considerably “sharper” than the 600 plus TC-1401 (1.4x TC). Note that the 1.4x TC did yield 1.4 times as many pixels in the cropped NEF image of the subject (individual elk) for processing as the image without the TC. There appears to be an optics module (corrections) for the Sigma 60-600 Sport on a Z9, but no such module when the TC-1401 is added. Thus, less correction was applied. When will DxO add such support? A direct comparison I did on my Z9 between my sample of the Sigma 60-600 Sport using a FTZII and sample of a Nikon 180-600 Z (non S) lens both at 600 mm showed the Sigma as good (or possibly better) as the Nikon. However, lacking an optics module for the Sigma 60-600 Sport plus Sigma TC-1401 on a Z9 evidently does not allow me to get the “sharpest” images that I can from this lens. Does DxO support this combination? Will it?

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I already looked at that list and could not find any reference to Sigma TC-1401.

To my knowledge, the TC-1401 is still not supported. I bought it with the EF 150-600 many years ago. It doesn’t matter to me today since I’ve moved on to RF, but I know there is still a large following for the 150-600 and 60-600 and TC.

You presumably use the Canon R mirrorless bodies and have abandoned the Canon EOS bodies; evidently, you have abandoned your EF lenses for RF. I replace a full-automation capable F mount lens – NOT necessarily Nikon – with Z mount only as necessary – if my F mount lenses produce images satisfactory to a client, I do not replace the lens. I have found that the Sigma 60-600 Sport is (almost) as sharp as the equivalent 600 4 prime that I CANNOT hand hold, and thus cannot use in the field when the subject is moving over “hill and dale” (“Moose” Peterson claims that he can), plus it gives a strong framing advantage over the prime. It is slow, of course. Surprisingly, the TC-1401 plus Sigma 60-600 on a Z9/Z8 produces a NEF in Fast Raw Viewer (not a DxO application) that is not very much different than without the TC-1401. (Not quite true of the 2x TC.) However, after use of PL Elite Complete with the 60-600 optics module, the image is much improved and similar in detail (“sharpness”) etc. as one would get with the 600 prime in Adobe workflow. The optics modules and thus the resulting enablement of additional detail sliders in PL Elite Complete (currently, I am using PL 7) make the difference. Do you have “long” or “wide” lenses? (I go from a Sigma 8 mm circular fisheye EF mount, Sigma 15 mm circular fisheye EF mount, both plus a Fringer EF to NZ adapter that preserve full automation), Sigma 14-24 2.8 Art to the Sigma 60-600 Sport.) I have sold most of my primes, but have a few left (mostly “very fast” for low light conditions). There was an interesting review of the Sigma 60-600 Sport EF mount by one of the Pangolin tour/instructor guide photographers. I can elaborate further about my gear, etc, if you are interested. The only “manual” lenses I have are tilt-shift.