NIKON Z6II memory card download

Good evening… I just purchased a NIKON Z6II. I formatted the memory cards to the Z6II. Took some photos. Will DXO be compatible with the new Z6II for download?? I know they aren’t for Lightroom Classics. Thank you

See here:

As far as I can tell a Z6 Mark II is planned for December this year.

Z6 II RAW files are different to Z6 only in header. The rest should be the same. You can change camera ID in header using some tool and it should work, only RAW processors will show Z6 instead Z6II.

Today a member of our photography Facebook group posted his own tool to convert the headers of Z6II to Z6. You can download it here (of course use it yout own risk and rather backup original images). The page is in Czech language, but you can translate it via Google Transalator:

Hello @Photodoc2020,

we don’t support the Z6 II yet but we plan to do it soon.

Just for test, could you, please, provide us with a sample image? Please, upload it to under your forum name instead of ‘support ticket number’ and let us know when it’s ready.
