Nikon NEF Camera Settings not exporting to DNG


I run my Nikon NEF raw files into PureRAW stand-alone, as well as the XMP sidecar files that are created when I import the files into my computer using Photo Mechanic are together in the same folder where the NEF files are.

It seems PureRAW is not exporting the camera settings into the DNG file, I typically have my camera’s profile set to Camera Standard, if I import the NEF file directly into Adobe Camera RAW the program recognizes the Camera Standard profile, however, if I import the DNG from PureRAW into CameraRAW the program defaults to Adobe Color.

Is there a way to have PureRAW add the camera profile settings from the XMP sidecar file to the DNG export?

I will greatly appreciate your response.


off the bat - did you try to copy maker notes from .NEF to .DNG before feeding to ACR/LR ? no guarantees that it will help, but experiment

something like

exiftool -m -TagsFromFile {source.NEF} -MakerNotes {destination DNG} -overwrite_original

and of course you simply can change defaults in ACR/LR to use “Camera Standard” ( may be the easiest way ) - unless your NEFs are all over the place in terms of camera profiles used in camera

As an addition to this - if I import dng files from DXO PureRaw 4 in standalone mode into Lightroom Classic, not only does it mess up the Camera Settings but it also resets to Process Version 1 for the DXO generated DNG file. This prevents a lot of the functionality of the latest Lightroom builds. Adobe confirms this behaviour is due to settings within the DXO generated file that are applied by DXO and read by Lightroom when the import with Camera Settings is selected.