Nik Collection v7

sorry for you, but that’s really cheeky of DxO. With this amount of time, they could be a bit more accommodating. But customer loyalty and satisfaction don’t really seem to be DxO’s big hobbyhorse at the moment.


Well that was insulting. It is nothing to do with being a fanboy. If you have been around here long enough and read everything I posted over the last 7 years you will see that I have been extraordinarily critical of DxO on many, many occasions. I understand the frustration having to pay an extra $29 only a week or two after purchasing the product. It is inappropriate. The upgrade should have been free.

My point was simply that if @lmelamed uses the Nik collection a lot, the extra $29 cost, while inappropriate, might still be worth it to him since the new version seems to contain many desirable new features. That is why I suggested downloading the trial. If he should decide 6 months from now that those new features are important to his workflow, it is likely he would no longer be able to upgrade to it for $29., but the normal $79 upgrade cost instead. I was trying to have him look at the big picture If this is an important tool for him. That’s why I suggested it was his choice.

In the future, if you want to comment on who I am, I suggest you first read my over 6,000 posts since I’ve been a member here.


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sorry for you, specially that there as been no ads or info about an upcoming version before yesterday big announcement! lets hope dxo take a second look at your case.

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Hi Mark,

Instead of condemning the DXO policy first and showing some emphatic behaviour against Larry, you advise him to download the demo and if he likes it go for the $ 29 offer from DXO like that is a normal thing after 9 day’s of using a software version. That I find insulting to every intelligent member of this forum!

You always come with your 6000 posts story and that proves to me that you must lurk around these forums every day wasting your’s and others time. You just have to reply to almost any post about DXO policy and advocate them most of the time.

Just my personal observation!

Have a nice day,


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Complaining about DxO’s pricing policies does not accomplish anything. I’ve been around long enough to know that DXO does not respond to all those complaints and have never changed their policies as a result of them. I’m sorry if I did not express my frustrations with their pricing policies with the appropriate amount of anger to satisfy you. I stopped wasting my time doing that years ago.

I absolutely agree that DXO charging him $29 additional was very inappropriate, and if it happened to me I would be annoyed as well. I am not in any way defending DXO’s pricing policy. I was only trying to give him practical advice if the Nik Collection is an important part of his workflow. Sorry if you can’t see that.

Yes I am on this site everyday, I would not call it lurking. I own almost all of the DxO’s products and use them almost everyday. Over the years I have learned a lot from this site and from my use of DxO’s products. I enjoy sharing information with other users here. For some reason saying anything positive about DxO and their products seems to offend you. I am certainly not wasting my time except when I occasionally have to respond to posts like yours. I believe that most people who have followed my posts over the last 7 years would disagree that I am wasting their time.

On the other hand I just reviewed all your posts since you’ve been here, and virtually every one of them is a complaint. I guess you only respond to people positively who complain as much as you do. I wonder why you waste your time bothering to post here If you’re so unhappy with DxO.


The problem Is that you see healthy criticism as negative and that you have to stand up against it! And that get’s tiring after a wile!

The more reason to post something when your not happy with the DXO policy!
But I hardly posted anything on this forum except for the very successful:

Hope a lot of nieuw DXO customers got warned by all the information in that post, to prevent what happened to me!

But still DXO is not posting their release dates for their products in advance next to the purchase buttons on the website!

I have nothing against healthy criticism. Over the years I have posted far more of it than you can possibly imagine. You are, of course, free to post whatever you wish as long as it remains civil and I would never try to stifle your right to do so. However, what I can’t abide are chronic complainers who add no real value to ongoing discussions.


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In which case, you need to lobby DxO to publish clear rules for this forum. Rules that define it’s purpose as a learning enrivorment and including a rule that prohibits complaining, AND either get DxO to heavily moderate posts or get DxO to appoint people like yourself to moderate posts to ensure they stay within those parameters.

Considering there is so little obvious moderation by DxO I’m pleasantly surprised that the tone of this forum is as polite as it is. If it wasn’t, I’d logout and never return.

I agree. The general behavior on this site is especially good considering a lack of oversite. And I’m not suggesting thar complainers be banned or even moderate their posts. It is just frustrating that some posters have nothing positive to say about anything.


C’est la vie

Yea, they lost my loyalty. This was my last upgrade.

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I certainly can’t argue with your decision. I’m guessing that the Nik Collection is not a critical piece of your workflow. I hope you find something else that meets your requirements better.


i cant download the test version of nik 7 (mac m1), the download always breaks up after few seconds.

You could try contacting DxO about you problem via this page:
Or you could try the good old wait and try again later trick.

Describes quite well how I also use the NC. Nice to have, but it doesn’t matter if it’s not.
What annoys me more about this upgrade, however, is that DXO has just taken away Nik 6 Perspective. I didn’t even realize it until I was made aware of it by a reader’s comment. Good tip there too, just keep Nik 6 Perspective and keep using it.

Nik Perspective Efex is no longer included with Nik 7, so if you did decide to upgrade and retain Nik 6, you could think of it as getting Perspective for $29.

I intend to upgrade to Nik 7, but want to keep Nik Perspective from Nik 6. Dxo says in a note to retain the previous version when upgrading. Does anyone know how to do his or where I can find instructions?

Unfortunately, I don’t understand the calculation. My last upgrade to NC6 cost €79 with Perspective.
Cost upgrade to 7 without Perspective 89€. So more expensive for less.
But now I also know why I didn’t notice that it was missing. I only use DXO VP 4 anyway :wink:

I can just talk for how it works on MacOS. NC7 installs the collection into a new folder. Nik 6 keeps untouched. So I now put an alias of Perspective 6 into the NC7 folder.

Just tested. But it is not in the NC menu. You have to export to application and then select Perspective 6. What of course is also missing, are the new features to export a.s.o. coming with version 7.

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That is an interesting change. Historically, Perspective Efex is the only Nik module that was not part of the original Nik Collection. I don’t recall to which version it was added after DXO acquired Nik. What may be interesting to those who are not aware of it is that Perspective Efex was virtually identical to the standalone only functionality of DXO’s Viewpoint software. A Viewpoint license also added access to its features from within DxO’s PhotoLab.
