Nik Collection v6

I watched the video and didn’t see that. Do you have a time point for that? (Btw, the audio cuts out at 45 mins on mine which is weird)

As Affinity calls the plugin, the file is sent to Perspective as a tif, worked upon and returned to Affinity after the changes have been made, over writing the original layer. Hence Affinity/NIK is destructive as Affinity doesn’t have smart objects (wish they would sort that out)

This is the same as using DxO, using Perspective and then saving the file. If I open it in Affinity, it shouldn’t lose any changes made beforehand in PerspectiveEfex

Or have I missed something?

According to what “Go64” shows, all parts of Nik Collection version 6 are “universal” and should therefore run on Apple Silicon Macs without Rosetta. Note: Not tested/verified it yet on Apple Silicon Mac.

The new collection definitely cannot be installed side by side with other (recent) versions of the Nik Collection. The Nik apps require additional resources that the installer puts into

/Library/Application Support/DxO/

Remove or rename this stuff und the apps will “quit unexpectedly”. This also means that there is no way to upgrade and fallback - except through the respective (un)installers.

Because of this, even a test drive can trash your trusted Nik install. Make sure you have an installer for the version that has proven to do what you need! All who have paid license(s) for the “Nik Collection by DxO” should find the respective installer(s) in

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Which is why I asked if this latest release ‘completes’ the roll out of the ‘new’ interface to all of the NIK plugins. I don’t want to have to go through the hassle of installing the trial, and thus wrecking my current version, only to discover in a matter of minutes that the collection is still only half baked and thus have to roll everything back.

Can anyone answer my question? A simple yes or no is all I need.



Thanks, very helpful. I’ve decided not to upgrade. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of benefit. Also I’m still waiting for a fix for PL such that the Neural engine will work with the latest MacOS, maybe I’ll upgrade after they fix that.

I bought NC 5 in June 2022, €79.00. Less than a year later, I’m invited to buy NC 6 for the same price. I read everything about What’s New for this new version, and I find that the improvements, etc., do not justify this price. Sorry.

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you can also check the recent release notes …

note – I’m still on Nik 5.x (+ Nik 3.3 / Windows)

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Old UIs have a green dot:

Note: Mac only info!

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that’s a good point… Nik collection will be completely remastered with this v6 version right?

This has been fixed with v6.6 yesterday.

Bug fixes

  • Temporary solution for Magenta color cast on Apple Ventura while using DeepPrime and DeepPrime XD.
  • Temporary solution for chessboard patterns on Apple Monterey & Ventura for Xtrans with DeepPrime XDprocessing.
    o Those temporary solutions will be updated when Apple will deliver its own fix for macOS.
    • Minor bug fixes and improvements
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Thank you!

So it appears that there are still three plugins to get the new UI. At two per year that’s another 18 months, or NIK 8, before the plugins once again share the same UI.

I think I’ll pass, again, and wait to see what NIK 9 (i.e. 8 plus one year, to fix the serious bugs) looks like.

I bought NC5 on Nov 26, 2022. Barely 6 months and I now have to pay for the new version? Every software I own/purchased usually give customers a year’s worth of update. Whatever. Not happening.

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Most software companies provide free updates to the current version of their software. In general, they do not provide free upgrades to new versions of their software when they are implemented. There is a big difference between updates to a current version and upgrades to a new version. It is unfortunate that you purchased your copy halfway through it’s life cycle.

The Nik Collection 6 is a new version. It either has features you need or it doesn’t. If it has new features that are important to you, then as a current user you can purchase it at a significantly reduced upgrade price.


As said, DFine has been rewritten and I think to have seen / heard from the video, it now (also) comes with local adjustments, which would be really great, while I hope that it still has the option to exclude ‘custom colour areas’.

Of course we don’t know, if it’s just an ‘uppolished’ UI and/or an evolved algorithm.

HDR and Sharpener were (quickly) announced to come in summer – and with the statement of a free upgrade for them to complete Nik 6.

So I guess my workaround is DxO → Perpective → Affinity instead rather than my DxO → Affinity → Perspective I was hoping for

Not a great hardship I guess.

Rather puzxled as to what the actual issue is though.

you can always do perspective as first thing in affinity , just duplicate your first layer and send it to nik. then move on with your editing.

if you already have viewpoint, not sure if perspective is anything beneficial if it does the same thing, done straight in PL.

… found the explanation in this video from Robin Whalley … and we even can get back the representation of the settings OVER the pic – great !

That is what I do. Create another layer, send to NIK, do what I need and then carry on editing that layer. That is why I get confused as to why DxO says Perspective isn’t compatible. I can only assume that for some reason you can’t call Perspective from Affinity at all, unlike the other plugins.

I am on viewpoint 3 and if Perspective does it as part of the NIK package, I don’t see any point in paying extra for Viewpoint that I don’t use very often. I use ColourEfex with most images, Silver Efex from time to time etc. Perspective is just a ‘free’ bonus that would negate Viewpoint for me personally

same here, Color Efex and silver Efex are the one I use most. haven’t tried nik6 yet, and I know my old v2 don’t work on my new laptop.
perspective isn’t compatible as it’s not working as photoshop object does, I’m guessing that is the reason why.

if I’m correct… nik6 perspective is as viewpoint 4.

I mainly correct verticals, but as I don’t do many buildings (mostly Scapes and Portraits) Viewpoint doesn’t get much use. Seems logical to me to ditch paying any more for Viewpoint if Perspective does the job. The local effects might be more useful in fact, and the fact that I mainly use ColourEfex and SilverEfex mainly, means Perspective is a ‘free addition’

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the good thing is you can launch nik from PL, so no need to duplicate first layer in AP.
would be nice to see nik non destructive from PL, maybe it’s time for dxo to introduce layers or just as a new tab like they did with viewpoint and film pack.

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