When I start one of the apps (Nik Collection 6.4, ColorFx, SilverFx and so on) from DxO PL7 as host the app goes always in the background. I have to send the app into the foreground from the dock. This is annoying and a deterioration compared to predecessor.
I am seeing this as well.
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Same here with Nik 6.3 on macOS Sonoma on M1 MacBook Air 2020.
With macOS Monterey and Ventura, the apps I tested with started in the foreground as expected.
Steps while testing
- Boot into respective OS
- Open a Finder window, open Applications, then the Nik6 folder
- Cmd-O or double-click to launch the app
Note: when I start the app with Option-Command-O, the app opens in the foreground, if no other Finder window is visible. Looks like Finder is doing the unexpected. Tested with Safari and Disk utility windows, they stayed in the background.
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