I had to uninstall NIK 7 (computer issue) and then reinstalled NIK 7. Now when I open any NIK application, I get the topic message noted above. Any ideas? thanks in advance. Zoltan
Contact DxO via:
OK< thanks, will do.
Same problem here, after updating from Win 10 to 11.
Even deinstall / NIK Cleaning Tool / reinstall does not help.
And the support is not answering.
That´s a bad customer service and I am going to claim my money back, most probably.
Hi Same Problem the only difference is that i didn’t reinstalled anything yesterday i launched Nik collection and had the same problem , sent a mail to DXO support , no answer at this time. I think it’s hapopen after a Windows update
Has the problem been solved? Because I have the same thing, nothing was changed on the computer and PhotoLab and NIK demand activation. I managed to activate PhotoLab but NIK “The activation process failed because of an unknow server error”. Reinstallation, attempting to connect from another ISP does not help. The report was sent but support is celebrating like others only why can’t I do the assigned work…
In my case , no answer from the support since many days , the problem hasn’t been solved. it’s unacceptable
i received tha answer from the support today wich resolved my issue , importante note my computer is under Windows 11
To help resolve this issue, please follow the steps below to delete your license files:
Open File Explorer.
- Copy and paste the following path into the top left quick access bar (not into the right search): %LOCALAPPDATA%\DxO\Licenses and press Enter.
- Delete any files with the name and version of the software you are looking for ending with the .key extension.
- Restart your DxO software and try activating it again.
Hope it help
I got the same solution that worked. I’m starting to suspect that if DxO didn’t do anything, it was some Microsoft Windows Update that was to blame.
Reading this does not provide a lot of hope: I have same issue with Nik Collection but also my DxO Pure Raw is not working pretending that my trial period of Version 3 (using since “years”) has ended and that I now have to activate and if I want to do that it is telling me that it was already activated the allowed number.
Could it be that DxO was hacked or they really mad a dump bad mistake during the last update or server crashed or …
That they are not answering is however a real issue as a professional photographer.
Trying to get a phone number and contact them directly but was not able to.
Let’s see - but I agree that if nothing happens I would withdraw my licence and want to get my money back.
Did not - now Nik Collection as well as DxO claim that I tried to installed both more than three times
Merci pour l’info, cela à fonctionné et je confirme que cela viens d’une mise à jour de Windows11.
I have had the same problem after installing the update from Windows 11 23H2 to Windows 11 24H2.
I’ve followed your suggestion and it helped.
Many thank for sharing the solution with us.
Best Regards