New Licensing in Preparation with PhotoLab 7.7?

That’s because the GPU is on the M1 chip. All your eggs in one very expensive basket.

Yeah. Great isn’t it :grinning:


Yes, you are correct that you do not understand it. As has been pointed out above you can have all the legal software you want but when DxO servers are not available you can’t use your product.

Let’s spell it out - under the previous release notes they can go bust or be offline for however long you can still continue to use your purchased product. Under the new wording you can’t.

For me the major problem isn’t going subscription or not, that is to be decided individually how to handle that case. But no longer be able to use a purchased product is something completely different.


If the lic server is unavailable it is possible to continue to use the sw for about 37 days. Am I wrong?

Yes that is correct, on day 38 your software would stop working until you connect to the DxO server.

understood, thank you very much. So the problem exists mostly for machines that never will be connected to the Internet. I guess, the most machines will be connected at least one time a month. Typically to check for updates. User on these machines will not recognize the lic verification. Maybe DXO will deliver a solution for non connected maschines.

I do. I follow everything that goes fast. I was just kidding.

Dream on. That is never going to happen, ever!


if DxO runs out of business, no more photolab unless they give it for free …
By by your licence … in just more than a month …
Does no more look like a perpetual licence for me.

And I’m not sure that they are in good health after spending so much energy developing niche products around photolab, and since their supremacy in noise reduction is well underway.

No more staff to follow the forum is not a good sign either.

Unless something big is coming with v8.

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Already did for me. I’ve migrated back to LR.

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Along with Adobe’s new Cloud licence, which permits them to use anything and everything of yours to train their AI.

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They don’t get to see anything of mine, it’s all stored locally and I don’t use AI.

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My point is that you have to agree to the invasive AI licence in order to use the apps and there is no guarantee that, if Adobe are willing to be that invasive, just how much further they would go without telling you - for example, while using their AI, connected to their servers, to edit your offline images. After all, they need to have sight of the image in order for the AI to choose what to do.

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I don’t use AI.

I’m not in the business of creating artificial ‘art’.
I use a raw processor and editing tools to tidy up photographs for clients.

End of the day, if I have to pay a sub, it may as well go to a company that fixes bugs as well as adding new features rather than simply doing the latter.

Of course, do whatever floats your boat.

Do you never repair intrusive “things” out of the image? Do you never use noise reduction? Both of those use AI.


How far will any company go without telling you?

This could be part of the reason DXO wants you to periodically connect to the internet.

It will be interesting to see if the EU will drag Adobe to court because European regulations require a user opt-in in such cases. Mere informations is not enough and we might see Adobe get a multimillion fine.

Until things are clear, it’s a good idea to stick to Lightroom Classic. Whether the following provides some clarity, I don’t dare say:

I have noticed every time exporting with pl the intrenet is accessed and nothing else is running
As soon as it finished so does the internet access. I never thought much off it as I was moniteting my graphics card to see how it was being used

Is it legal to do this without asking users ?
So DxO they steal information in katimini from users. They go further and further…

Indeed no firewall will block them that way !

I think I’ve seen too much about their methods !

And there are many chances that those non-anonymous stolen informations will be encrypted with new v7 obligation to log in.

“Surprisingly”, it seems that the big problem in the license servers during the last update and the obligation to connect to the internet happened just after this article was published …

Camouflage modifications in the rush ?