Hello everybody.
Iam using now Pureraw4 now for a week. I already had the first version without any problems. With the new version there are a couple of problems that come around every time.
1 if I want to put multiple raw images in Pureraw4 it shows half of the time error. So for example from the 30 images it says it cannot do 28 of them. But there is also not a file where the 2are that did work.
2 I create a file where my worked on images are if the went through pureraw. From there I open them up in photoshop to finish the files.
Now sometimes I suddenly have two of the same files with the same name but there is nothing in it.
You can see if you check the properties there are files there but they are not visible.
Now I was working on 10 images and finished half of them in Photoshop. I wanted to go back to do the other images but there is nothing visible and there is a second file again with the same name.
This is getting very frustrating
I hope somebody can help me with this