Modifications made in FilmPack not saved

I use PL4, FilmPack 5, ViewPoint 3, Nik Collection 3, Lightroom, Photoshop.
I have just purchased FilmPack 5 Elite.
After the first tests of FilmPack in autonome mode, I see that FilmPack does not save the image modifications, as does PL with a .dop file.
So, each time I reopen a raw image with FilmPack, the modifications are lost.
Is it normal ?
Perhaps that the only way to save the modifications, is to use FilmPack integrated to PL, but I prefer the UI of the autonome mode.

I have found the following work-around
Open the raw file in Photoshop, convert to a smart object, and then use FilmPack as a filter.

The stand-alone version of Filmpack 5 Elite does not use Photolab’s .dop files. However, if you use the add-in Filmpack 5 tools within Photolab, the settings are saved in .dop files


I found a similar problem today using FIlmPack 7 as a plugin with a Smart Object. FilmPack did save the changes I initially made, but when I went back to FIlmPack within the Smart Object to change a parameter, the changes I made this time were not saved when returning to PhotoShop.


when using FP as SmartFilter within PS

The same should be possible in recent PS / FP

… comparable with PL’s Export to application > > FP (standalone)