I am relatively new in using PhotoLab, but recently run across an issue that I don’t know how to fix. I took some shots this week with my R5 and 100-400mm ISii lens with canon EF/RF converter. When I exported to JPEG, there was a warning notice at the top left corner of the JPEG image that stated “No DXO Optics Module available for this image” and when I look at the metadata for the image it is essentially blank. However, when I look at the CR3 RAW file in PL8, it shows all the correct metadata and correctly identifies the camera/lens combination.
I’ve used this same body/lens combo a month or two ago and there was no error and the metadata was present in both the CR3 and the JPEG files.
It looks like that was the issue I checked the export function and it had “None” selected for things to include. When I switched that to “All”, it exported with the metadata and no warning. Thanks for the quick response!!
There are actually two issues in your explanation above, Giles …
the first (absence of JPG metadata) has been addressed by Greg/@Egregius
the second relates to the warning you saw: “No DXO Optics Module available for this image” … which is telling you that there is not a set of corrections available for the combination of {camera-body + lens} used to capture the image.
– This is probably due to your use of the EF/RF converter.
– I’m guessing your later successful finding: When I switched that to “All”, it exported with the metadata and no warning … was because you exported a different image (not one captured using the converter).
PL uses metadata to identify camera and lens and then downloads the appropriate Lens module if available. The exported JPG had no metadata hence the warning that no module found, the original raw file had no such problem. As the OP posted, he originally exported with no metadata and when he changed that setting all was ok. Problem solved!
Thanks all! Just to add a couple more details, I did have the module loaded for R5 + 100-400 and so I didn’t get the typical warning when opening the CR3 file about needing to download the file. It was only after the export that a little error icon showed up in the top right corner of the image when looking at it in the library. So in this case, it seems like I must have somehow just unchecked the box in the export options. After checking it, I re-exported the same file and the problem went away.
(Sten-Åke Sändh (Sony, Win 11, PL 6, CO 16, PM Plus 6, XnView))
There are other problems too to be aware of if we exchange metadata between different applications. I have noticed myself that Photolab has the habit to strip metadata in say a JPEG-file that are not part of its own IPTC-metadata-schema. I don´t know why PL can´t just ignore that since it really isn´t part of that schema.
I´m using a set of data in PhotoMechanic called “Event and Location”. In that metadata set there is one element called “Event” that is not part of the set Photolab supports. So if I should export a JPEG with Photolab it would strip the “Event”-data. So that is why I usually first complete the image editing before putting on the metadata and avoid to reexport after that. Allowing bidirectional updates of metadata is not a good policy and it ought to be able to block in Photolab really. In practise it is not really a problem because it is just not to reexport JPEG-files from Photolab.
While this isn’t related to this thread, the OP’s question has been answered - and a possible explanation occurs to me: is PhotoLab moving metadata from EXIF to IPTC? Or just stripping the metadata completely?
If the jpeg was created by exporting with PhotoLab, the message is a way to say “Hey, I’ve already fixed this image and therefore pretend there is no module in order not to overcorrect it”.
(Sten-Åke Sändh (Sony, Win 11, PL 6, CO 16, PM Plus 6, XnView))
I know but I´m lifting this because sooner or later that JPEG will be open or handled by other applications too and metadata is one of the things that might cause us trouble. Both in Photolab and PhotoMechanic both IPTC and XMP is handled but internally it is IPTC you see that has to be converted on the fly to XMP one way or another - optionally or not and that sometimes creates problems because of the limited support for IPTC Photolab has compared both to PhotoMechanic and for example iMatch where the flexibility is far greater.
I´m just saying: be aware of that some metadata elements not present in the Photolab user interface might just be dropped at a reexport of a JPEG.
No, it isn’t. It means no matching optics module can be found from the EXIF info (or lack of EXIF info). Try it yourself and see that if there is EXIF data showing a supported body and lens then the warning won’t show for an exported JPEG.
IF you consider JPEGs as final files (= edited, or if you use in-camera image styles to then preserve those OOC images), you may want to set your preferences for RGB files as follows
JPEG files exported by PhotoLab show the badge as do e.g. dng files. or files from cameras with unsupported lenses. The badge is always the same, but the tool tip changes according to the situation as can be seen from the capture below.