Mask directories in the Photo Library

I would suggest :

  • either to add the possibility to mask the directories in the Photo Library.That would avoid the need to scroll down a lot (especially if your images are on a drive with a lot of directories, but with not all of them dedicated to pictures).
  • or to be able to setup a base directory from which to display the directory folders in the Photo Library.

Best regards.

I’d really like that!

On Mac, I can add the base (root) folder of my photo archive to the Finder sidebar and DPL will then be able to access everything within - still a lot of scrolling though. If I remember correctly, Windows should be able to do this too (add a favorite)…

A content/project directory.
This is a common (near standard) way of managing projects in lot of softwares.
This allows to move project anywhere, on any workstation easily and without any bug; this allows to manage a simplified hierarchy directory (the hierarchy minus the base directory hierarchy) when in input/output fields.

I don’t understand why this is not the case with photolab.

But now with the database as it exist, it would be a little more tricky to get back on this track. But possible.

I would say not “mask directories” but “bless directories”. In other words, I want to tell PhotoLab what I want to see, not what I don’t want to see, because the “want” list is way shorter than the “do not want” list.

All it would take, in theory, is a crossover between folders and projects.


Having a think on this, it could perhaps be improved a little for cases where there are multiple discrete directories you want to look at. It’s possible to create “symlinks” to directories, so you could create a directory somewhere central* and then create symlinks inside that, pointing to each of the actual directories you want to browse. I don’t know if PhotoLab will follow the links, and if it does, how that presents in the sidebar. I may test.

*But… you’re still going to have every other directory at the same level listed. I could address that somewhat by creating a disk image to hold the symlink directory (in fact the disk image could act as the top level itself). That’s workarounds on top of workarounds, though.

It does on Mac. It even works when The archive is indexed. All files in folders linked into the archive were catalogued/added to the database.

You can’t lose trying it on Windows, I suppose.

@platypus thank you for the information and @zkarj thank you for using the name “Symlinks” (Symbolic Links).

I went looking for information and found this amongst other articles

Because of my aversion to using the Command Line I downloaded “Directory Linker” referred to in the above article to help make some “SymLinks” because it just might be a useful think to understand!?

One “issue” is that the original directory names are “lost” when using the links, unless you deliberately name the links in some meaningful way!

Not so useful naming:-

(Only) Slightly Better Naming:-

Given that I located the first set via PL6 there will be some dead wood in the database! The revised set was created simply by renaming etc…

DxPL seems “happy” with the arrangement as shown by the rather odd looking JPG and its exported “twin”!