Malleable image files - how so?

In this review of a Ricoh camera the author describes the image files as malleable

I recently purchased a Ricoh GRiii and I have to admit that the dng files do seem simpler to edit than images from cameras such as the Panasonic G9. The Ricoh has more pixels on a larger sensor and an extra stop of dynamic range but on paper these improvements don’t appear to be significant e.g. 20Mpx versus 24Mpx, MFT v APSC and possibly an extra stop of dynamic range.

Have you found some cameras produce files that seem easier to edit?

I think that malleable should be read as “can be adjusted in a wider range and/or with less unwanted effects”. Dynamic range and noise are properties that influence “malleability”. You’d want more DR and less noise (and higher bit count per colour channel).

The following sites (and probably more) check gear for such things, e.g.

Good point as the Ricoh records 14bit files whereas the G9 produces 12 bit files. Your comment prompted me to do some Googling.

The general view, if I have understood correctly, is that unless the complete imaging chain can produce image data at 14 bits per pixel then adding 14 bit recording only results in larger files storing information about noise. However, if the pixels and their associated ADC’s on the sensor are capable of recording image data at a sufficient quality that requires 14 bit files then there is every chance that the resulting files will be more flexible.

best wishes