Thanks for the information which explains the behaviour. I notice that Show Mask is selected by default and remains so while chroma and/or luma is changed, then automatically deselected when an adjustment is made. This might be useful behaviour (or not) but I’ll know for sure once I’ve edited a number of photos.
Would be great to have a shortcut key to toggle colour/b&w mask preview though.
I’ve now had the chance to try out the new arrangement re Show/Hide Mask. Still not good.
If I drag out a control line, it is difficult to place the picker because the mask display covers the image. Absolutely impossible in b&w mode. I really need to be able to temporarily switch off the mask for this usage.
Yes, that’s an unfortunate implication of one of the recent fixes/improvements in PLv7.5 (all of which are listed & explained here) … but there’s a quick/simple work-around;
If you make a small change to any of the LA correction sliders then the “Show Masks” option is enabled for input - and then you can press the M-key to hide the mask.
Thank you, I have already had to use that workaround in some cases. However, I hope that it will not be a permanent situation.
I got a condescending response from support suggesting that I alter my workflow to accommodate the show/hide mask automation. I responded with the example of how it affects control line placement (which I was doing in exactly the way shown in the Photolab manual).
It seems that programmers know more about photo editing than photographers.