Loupedeck support

Is this possible. An analogue surface would be really cool

Hello @bobmurden,

Already in the backlog :wink:

Svetlana G.


Hi Svetlana, will this be custom development just for one controller, or will you be opening up control surface support more broadly?

Good morning,

Well, we’ll start with Loupedeck and then we’ll see. Now I do not have other info.

Svetlana G.


Any updates? Do you know how far out Loupedeck support is, and whether it will be Loupedeck+, the new Loupedeck CT, or both?


I also have an interest in the planned date. With us the discounts for Loupedeck+ expire in early January. I’m thinking about buying now or waiting 1 year.

Hello guys,

I have no info about the date still.

Svetlana G.

Are there any efforts meanwhile to implement compatibility into PL3 with loupedeck ?

Hello @supernaut and welcome to the Forum,

About the support of the loupedeck, nothing to announce for now.

Svetlana G.

Hello Svetlana,

no idea how many energy it takes to implement an interface into for loupedeck but it would mean a big advantage in the creative process for post processing.

I would appreciate to see it on the wishlist for next PL to come.


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I would love to see Loupedeck Plus Support in DxO Photolab !
Brian Monahan

Hello @BPMonahan,

You can also vote for it here:

Svetlana G.

Comment fonctionne Loupedeck, comme les raccourcis claviers ?
Pour le moment, les réglages se font avec la souris et impossible de gérer les raccourcis clavier.
Il faudra faire changer cela avant de proposer ce genre d’outils, non ?

How does Loupedeck work, like keyboard shortcuts?
For the moment, the settings are made with the mouse and impossible to manage the keyboard shortcuts.
It will have to change before offering this kind of tools, right?

I am interested in how keyboard shortcuts will be implemented and how they can be tweaked. I wanted to create a Streamdeck profile with DPL3 and discovered it is almost unusable with the keyboard! Even the few shortcuts I found in the menus (like shift-b or shift-w) would not work (French keyboard layout here). This is quite disappointing.

DĂ©solĂ© ça sera en français

J’ai programmĂ© des raccourcis, effectivement trop limitĂ©.
De ce que j’ai compris, cela fonctionne avec des raccourcis, possibilitĂ© de macros, mais aussi intĂ©gration via dĂ©veloppement avec le logiciel. Et lĂ  on retrouve une ergonomie incomparable par rapport Ă  cette souris

sur lightroom (désolé) on appui par exemple sur un bouton programmé sur/sous exposition, et avec une des 7 molettes rotatives on monte ou descend le curseur.
Il faut une intégration que seul DxO peut faire pour utiliser les molettes rotatives de la version CT.
Avec des raccourcis clavier
trop limitĂ©, mĂȘme si ça aide et si j’ai pu intĂ©grer le zoom en rotatif.
Bref, vraiment trop dommage de ne pas intĂ©grer cela, l’ergonomie est vraiment gĂ©nial, surtout que les concurrents le font.
Je ne fait pas de pub, mais cela me semble ĂȘtre le seul efficace, les autres sont trop propriĂ©taire comme les claviers de BlackMagic, ou trop basique en se limitant justement aux raccourcis.
Franchement ça manque

Ensuite pour des raisons qui m’échappe
s’il y a un dĂ©veloppement il faut une version clavier français et clavier UK
 pas top d’ĂȘtre obligĂ© de basculer son clavier.

Automated translation:
I programmed shortcuts, actually too limited.
From what I understood, it works with shortcuts, possibility of macros, but also integration via development with the software. And there we find incomparable ergonomics compared to this mouse 

on lightroom (sorry), for example, you press a button programmed on / under exposure, and with one of the 7 rotary knobs you move the cursor up or down.
You need an integration that only DxO can do to use the rotary knobs of the CT version.
With keyboard shortcuts 
 too limited, even if it helps and if I was able to integrate the rotary zoom.
In short, really too bad not to integrate this, the ergonomics are really great, especially that the competitors do.
I don’t advertise, but that seems to me to be the only effective one, the others are too proprietary like the BlackMagic keyboards, or too basic, just limiting themselves to shortcuts.
Frankly it is missing 

Then for reasons that escapes me 
 if there is a development you need a French keyboard version and UK keyboard 
 not great to have to switch your keyboard.


any news on the planned support for Loupdeck, please?

I’m thinking about buying one and if there is a chance this would be added in short or any specified time it would be great!

Also, I see that it’s quite popular in votes as well.

Thank you,

Good morning,

@StevenL do you have any news about it :point_up_2:?

Thank you
Svetlana G.

Hi there,
Loupedeck support has been discussed a while ago but we don’t have a scheduled implementation yet.



Just aquired a Loupedeck + for Adobe Premiere, but it would be absolutely superb to use it on DxO also. I have been using DxO for years now, but the amount of work is growing and need to save me some time.

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Adding my +1 to this, really love photolab but lack of loupdeck support is a real shame. Only the very most basic functions work due to lack of shortcut support on many things.

Would be awesome to get loupdeck supported both, especially for the added visibility/marketing value for DXO.
