Little Snitch Firewall - Internet Access Policy

The macOS firewall App called Little Snitch allow third party software developers to configure an Internet Access Policy.

The purpose of this is to give Little Snitch an opportunity to display a precise description of Internet connection a third party software do.
In our case, Little Snitch would display a text explaining why Photolab or Viewpoint or Filmpack or NIK connect to the Internet, for example to check updates, send statistics or for the licenses.

For this purpose, DxO need to prepare two files and it is already done.
And never ever a Little Snitch user will ask you why DxO establish a connection :smiley:


Old topic on the forum - Here you see the firewall warning, without any description because there is no Internet Access Policy.

Great idea Marc. I’m a Little Snitch user as well.


Wow. So happy to see you accepting something new for PL that could take a few programming time of the developers. You made my day :grinning:

This one should take between half an hour and two hours. There’s a difference between that and 50 to 500 hour requests which are basically useless duplication of external utilities (fancy export routines, watermarkers, file renamers, exif editors and the rest of the dross people are usually asking for).

Updated link HERE