Sometimes I need to straighten a photo up and although I might crop it slightly it’s sometimes not enough to remove the black from the corner of the picture where the photo has been tilted. I use to use Photoshop to clone in some detail in these small areas but when trying that with PL3 it will not add anything to this area and it just stays black and will only clone onto the original image.
The only way I have found to do it in PL3 is to save the image as a tiff then reopen it then I can clone onto this area. Is there a way to do this while editing the Raw or is it a missing feature?
This has been discussed before and exporting to a tiff is the way to go. You can’t do that with a raw image because the black areas when you tilt it are not part of the image itself. When you export to tiff they become part of the image. When you do this in Photoshop are you doing it in ACR? If not then the fill is not being applied to a raw file there either.
No not in ACR in PS, but then in ACR I can’t use the clone tool either or add vignetting or level or crop etc. Yes the black is not been made part of the image but the black is a bit like a separate layer in PS which you can then be merged and becomes part of the image allowing you to work on it as one.
Right, but in PS you are not applying the fill to a raw file either. So how does that really differ from applying it to a tiff file in PhotoLab? PhotoLab is not a pixel editor and does not support layers.