Ok, so I searched everywhere and didn’t find an answer…I transfer my raw files to PL5, do my thing and when I export back to LR, it appears fine for a second and then underexpose by a full stop. Like when it initially reads the embedded JPG from a fresh raw file…I checked everywhere and I’m not applying any presets on import…I checked preferences, tried Adobe Default and Camera Settings in the Presets tab to no avail… If I export a JPG or TIFF instead of a DNG, no problem…
It only happens with Fuji RAF files…Canon CR2 are ok…no different settings for Fuji cameras in preferences…
Any ideas?
LR is just applying its default settings for Fuji dng files.
Maybe you could set your own default for Fuji by adding a stop of exposure shift?
I’m not familiar with Fuji’s terminology but Canon has it’s Highlight Tone Priority and Nikon has it’s Advanced D-Lighting, both designed to preserve highlights by underexposing by 0.5-1.0 stops and then compensating in-camera and in their proprietary software. PL5 does not recognize that the photo has been under-exposed and therefore does not apply any compensation for it. Thus the DNG will appear under-exposed. Does Fuji have a similar “highlight preservation” mode in their cameras, and are you using it?
Thanks @IanS but I double checked and there are (at least in any settings I could find) no default settings being applied, neither in preferences nor in the import phase. And @rrblint , the files look fine in PL, so it’s not a file problem. As Ian said, it really looks as LR is doing something to the image, I just can’t figure out how…and I’ve been using LR since its inception, so I know my way around it… truly odd…I can “ counter-add” a stop to every imported file from PL, but its a nuisance…
What have you chosen as your default preset in the preferences?
You can create your own default preset and choose that in preferences, then it will be applied automatically.
Ih @Joanna . Default ia câmera settings. I can make a preset, but not for default import because many times I import from other sources…