Lightning over Miami Beach

I’m trying to think of what Joanna might have thought about the above images. I can almost hear her asking me why I bothered to shoot in color, as there is so little color. The clouds look interesting, but not all THAT interesting. I have a photo that makes the clouds look much nicer. It even includes the lightning strike. Looking closely, it even captured an airplane, not that anyone will notice.

I bought two cables for my Lightning Bug, one for my D3 (as used above) and another for my D780. Haven’t tried that yet.

The only thing I “faked” was using a control point to boost the reflection in the water.

I’m still waiting to capture an image emphasizing the lightning strikeS in the image. Not sure how to do this yet. Maybe if I set my Nikon for multiple exposures, and cross my fingers?

I’m interested in feedback regarding b&w vs. color.