La color wheel et les zones sélectionnées

On retrouve la color wheel pour agir sur une zone sélectionnée, c’est un grand progrès demandé depuis longtemps. Mais pourquoi donc la pipette a-t-elle disparue? Les couleurs toutes définies ne correspondent pas forcément à ce que l’on veut faire. Dans la zone sélectionnée, on aimerait pouvoir décaler toute la gamme de couleur qui s’y trouve en prenant comme référence la pipette.

Sadly I don´t speak your beautiful French Ianguage so I had to translate your message with Google Translate into English:

“We find the color wheel to act on a selected area, this is a great progress requested for a long time. But why did the pipette disappear? All defined colors do not necessarily correspond to what we want to do. In the selected area, we would like to be able to shift the entire color range there by taking the eyedropper as a reference.”

I fully agree to this and must say I wonder a lot about the reason for DXO to abolish the color picker in the Local Color Wheel. Please add that tool as soon as possible if you read this. You already have that code haven´t you?

I also suggest you make the Local Color Wheel fully integrated with the Layer Handling system. A Color Wheel selection with the Local Color Wheel color picker ought to automatically be turned into a layer that can be handled inte Layer systems as any other layer.


You can work around the problem. To do this, simply select the eyedropper in the color menu on the Colorwheel and then create a new mask, the eyedropper will be active in the image to select the color you want. You can also create the mask first and then find the eyedropper in the color menu and return to the mask then go to the image to select the color to select. I hope this helped you.

That’s heavy and slow compared at what we had.

Only a workaround.

So yes. The code is here. It even already works (see workaround). But the button is missing at the right place.

I think there is a problem with that workaround because there isn´t really a smart masking tool in Photolab that is suitable really for most cases. The Color Pickers advantage is that it often is a lot more precise. All other masking options in Local Adjustments have their issues of different kinds. The graded variants go away at once for me at least and the others are not effective as it is today. I want that picker and I want it to create a layer automatically too.

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I think DXO is working on it, even though they have the code with the general ColorWheel, I know from experience that it is difficult to copy and paste code without creating a Bug in the program. I hope like you that they will put in place the pipette for the HSL masks.
Guilhem K.

Or waiting to see if users notice its lack to work on it :upside_down_face:
More seriously I really hope they are working on it and I really hope they never have thought a second they can throw it away.

I don’t think that’s their intention, apart from the missing eyedropper I find the improvements great including the possibility of calibrating the colors and an exact white balance, this saves a huge amount of time in post production.:blush::+1:

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This is a handy unexpected tool, indeed.


I think DXO is working on it, even though they have the code with the general ColorWheel, I know from experience that it is difficult to copy and paste code without creating a Bug in the program. I hope like you that they will put in place the pipette for the HSL masks.
Guilhem K.

It might take some extra coding if they want to add a layer automatically from the color pick

I tried to replicate what you wrote. I can indeed select the color picker and then create a mask in the LA tab, however the color picker doesn’t affect the LA color wheel in any way. What am I missing?

Hello, I apologize. I have difficulty expressing myself. First try creating a mask over an area you want to modify. Then, once you have created your mask, gone to the color menu, selected the eyedropper and selected a color you wish to modify, returned to the local settings menu, and selected your previously created mask, the eyedropper will remain active with the color previously selected. You can select any color and modify it in your mask; the eyedropper remains active in this case until you create another mask. I hope I was able to help you.


I did not find it when it is use on a selected zone. It would change the color of a little circle on the picker in the picture and show what color was found in the color wheel.

That is not what we were used to.

Thank you for the video! It seems that this only works on the Windows version, sadly. Bug or feature?
I’d definitely love to have the color picker in the LA color wheel, for consistency’s sake.

I still think that the eyedropper will be present in the ColorWheel of local settings in a future update but that’s just my opinion. This adds a lot of precision to what we want to select, such as the color of a person’s face, to work on in a portrait.

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This workaround only works in the Windows version of PhotoLab.
