Keyboard Shortcuts for Panels

After many years of using PL on Windows, I just recently installed it on my MacBook Pro and I’m struggling with keyboard shortcuts that don’t seem to exist. Surely, I’m just missing them! Can the Image Browser be opened/closed with keyboard shortcut? Can the left panel be opened/closed without having to toggle it via the View menu?

Thank you for any insight provided.

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Check out keyboard shortcuts in DPL’s help menu and user guide or here: Menus, Preferences and Functions – PhotoLab Guidelines

Thank you. That was a big help.

However, on the Customize tab it seems that I cannot show/hide the left panel alone? I don’t see that functionality listed in the shortcuts. Tab shows/hides both the left and right panels.

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Ignore the man in the corner…

I just figured out that I can double-click the bar between the left panel and the preview window to collapse the left panel. It’s not as efficient as a keyboard shortcut, but it’s way better than having to visit the View menu!

I agree, Alan - This is an annoying inconsistency (between PhotoLibrary & Customise modes).

In PhotoLibrary mode, key-board shortcuts are available as follows;

  • image
  • These shortcuts enable quick & easy control of whether LHS and/or RHS panels appear, or not.

However, when in Customize mode, only the F9 key-board shortcut is available;

  • image

You can vote here to have this inconsistency corrected.

On Macs, you can always add extra keyboard shortcuts for menu entries using the Keyboard Settings - on Ventura, go to the System Settings, Keyboard, Keyboard shortcuts…, App Shortcuts and add PhotoLab, its menu item and the key in there.

On previous versions, it’s in System Preferences, Keyboard, Shortcuts tab, App Shortcuts.

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@John-M I voted. There should, at least, be consistency between PhotoLibrary and Customize, and there really should be separate keyboard shortcuts for: Hide/Show Left Panel, Hide/Show Right Panel, and keep Tab for hiding all panels.

@Aearenda I’m still running Monterey 12.6.3 for several reasons and I tried your suggestion to create a keyboard shortcut via Preferences, but I just get an error. Oh, well…

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