
Hi all beginner from australia this is very much my genre and equine farm photos .
Thanks i hope i pick up alot of tips and knowledge.
Have PL7 and FP


Welcome to the User Forum, FP.

Great lightening shot …

Is it fair dinkum - or, a composite ?

Regards, John M

Interesting clair-obscur … and if you posted the original image and associated sidecar (.dop file), we could see how you did it.

As a new user, attaching things to a post can be limited. But you could still post a link to a share, where we can retrieve the files.

Haven’t heard that for quite a while, @John-M
I’s nice to be reminded of my time down under.

Negative, converted with PhotoLab, can’t seem to remember where I took the image :person_shrugging:

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fair dinkum got heaps geez i might be out of my depth here doubt i will post much not good at editing always start with dxo and hopefully finish if i cant do sky elsewhere

another DXO was suggested by a friend who uses all i think dxo is best for storms lightning etc went with it.
Here to learn

One of the challenges with very high contrast images like this one is to avoid haloing - that glow around the edges that we see in your lightning image. In PhotoLab, certain adjustments can cause haloing if used excessively. Particularly, ClearView Plus and sharpening adjustments. Local adjustments, also. Some people like the effect of exaggerated local contrast and edge enhancement. It makes the features of the ground in your image stand out. Using local adjustments to apply certain enhancements only to the ground might be worth a try.

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I am in the middle of preparing large (A2 / 24" x 16") prints for an exhibition and, at that size, especially from an old low resolution image, that can often produce halos.

So, I have had to find a solution. I use the Luminosity Mask tool very selectively.

Here’s a section of a B&W image, with a halo on the edge of the statue…

And here it is with the Luminosity Mask applied to reduce the brightness…

It’s not perfect (yet) but here is how I go about doing it.

This is an iPhone shot of the edge with the Luminosity Mask pipette placed on the halo…

Clicking on that spot produces a mask that needs tuning, as it covers, by default, the same tones elsewhere in the image…

Now, I take the eraser and remove any parts of the mask that are irrelevant…

Now, reduce the appropriate Selective Tonality and/or Exposure slider to match the lighter side…

As I said before, it’s not perfect, but it does help.


If it is “fair dinkum” Then this is a brilliantly captured shot.

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Perhaps your wording was just an ironic response to my use of an Aussie colloquialism ( :thinking:), but … Some punctuation and clarity will go a long way to help in communication with others on this site, many of whom do not have English as their first language.

Point taken. Apologies.

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No worries !

Just for fun, I dropped your comment into DeepL Translate, converted it into French, and then back to English again. Here’s what I got;

  • “I’m not very good at editing, I always start with dxo and hope to finish if I can’t make heaven elsewhere.”

  • It completely skipped the “fair dinkum got heaps geez” intro … :laughing: