I experience some unexpected results when using the Compare button to compare an edited RAW file to its RGB output. If I select the single view mode, when I click on the Compare button the RGB image is not aligned with the RAW image – It is displaced slightly vertically and horizontally. If I select the split display modes, this is what I get:
The compare function works as expected if I compare a RAW file to a virtual copy.
Has anyone observed the same problem? Can anyone suggest how I might try to fix this situation?
I am on Windows 10 with an Intel Core i7-4790K CPU 4.00GHz, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 , Memory (RAM): 32.0 GB.
Someone else reported the same issue in the forum very recently. I can’t find that topic right now, but the problem might be related to the following old issue and might be specific to certain camera/lens combinations:
You should report a bug at support.dxo.com and provide sample images with their sidecar files (.dop, .xmp…). Files can be uploaded at upload.dxo.com once you’ve created a support request and received a ticket number.
Thanks for your input and the link you provided. I am a long-time user of PhotoLab and upgraded recently from PhotoLab 6. I did not have any issues with the compare feature in the older versions.
Regards, Joseph