The price has actually gone up for BF. Photolab and Filmpack bundle was $229. That’s not available now and the two together cost considerably more than $229. DXO is playing games with us. Not a customer yet so I was hoping for better with BF sale. It is also up to %50 off, with Filmpack only having a very small discount, nothing like %50.
maybe they decided switching to christmas discount than black friday weekend
I guess I’m not the only one who noticed. This was the worst Black Friday “deal” I’ve ever seen. I was ready to buy the combo pack for $229 the week before but figured I could wait one more week to see what the BF deals were. Then once I saw the price for the pair had actually gone up I hoped that after BF/CM the pricing would revert to the previous amounts. Sadly, it has not, so I continue to wait…
DxO - can we get back to the deal before the sale so I can buy?
Hello and welcome @OzarkNerd Bundles did come back. Check the bottom of the shop page.
Purchasing the PhotoLab suite bundle of PhotoLab 7 Elite, FilmPack 7, and Viewpoint 4 costs $349 USD. However, purchasing The PhotoLab 7 and Filmpack 7 bundle at $229 USD and a separate Viewpoint 4 license at the regular price of $99 USD only come comes to $328 USD, $21 less expensive then the bundle for all three. Someone at DxO should review their bundle pricing,
Given that, $328 for all three is a good price. When I purchased the suite in 2017 the cost was a bit less than $300, if I recall correctly. The current versions can be had for around $30 more than I spent in November of 2017. Considering the amount of inflation since then, in 2017 dollars, it is actually less expensive today.
I’ll play devil’s advocate and suggest that someone did review the bundle pricing and deliberately set the prices as they did. They did this because they realised very few people would do the maths you did and thus work out that the bundle wasn’t the best value from a customer’s point of view. However, it is the best value from DxO’s point of view.
Remember, the prime reason any company exists is not to serve its customers but to maximise its profit. Customers will always play second fiddle. Marketing is smoke and mirrors to entice customers to part with as much money as possible.
I had scrolled past the all 3 bundle and in my head it stuck as 249 and not 349
This is quite a cynical take. Serving customers well will grow your business which will in turn increase your profits. Maximizing profits is always a goal, but doing so at the customers expense is short-sighted and certainly not the way that “all” businesses operate.
Yes it is but you are taking it out of context so I refer you to the opening line of my post:
It’s not worth debating, but when you started a separate paragraph and emphasized “any company” it was not clear you were still “in character” as the devil’s advocate.