I found something strange looking, or better to say it found me

I can “blame” Joanna for this photo. Ever since she wanted to wake up the “artist” in me, my brain is constantly scanning for unusual shapes to capture. Today, on the way back from my bagel shop, just for the heck of it, I walked down an alley I’ve never used before. Then this “thing” hit me as something very bizarre looking - which in reality, is not the case, as it quite boring. But the shadow struck a nerve. It appears “tilted”, but it wasn’t. Blame the sun. :slight_smile: …and the string - or should I say the shadow of the string… I like.

D780, with 24-85 lens (lighter than my 24-120).

780_6319 | 2024-07-23.nef (32.1 MB)
780_6319 | 2024-07-23.nef.dop (26.9 KB)

I have noticed over time that you tend to go a bit overboard with the use of words like “strange” or “bizarre” for things that are neither. This is just an interesting pipe fitting with a use that is unknown to you.

Based on the descriptive words you use, you sometimes react with bewilderment when you see objects or patterns that are new to you. I am not sure whether you are just prone to exaggeration or if objects you are unfamiliar with really confuse you. If it is the latter, it would seem that you have a different way of viewing the real world than I do which would explain why some of our discussions seem to go in circles.


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Mike, this is simply superb. What a find!

Being a tad OCD, I just had to find something to play with…

Please don’t shoot :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Thanks; I first did it like you just did, but then I realized the “pipe” was then tilted, so I put it back.

I certainly prefer your version, as that is what I “saw”, or I should say what my mind saw.

I shouldn’t let my “reality” interfere with my “imagionation” (my word).

MUCH more powerful your way.

Well, in “your” world, that is quite true. But to be honest, I ignored the pipe, and absorbed the shadow. If I allow my imagionation to take control, I’m not thinking like I usually try to do. It’s difficult for that part of my mind to “wake up”, but nowadays, when I carry a camera, I notice things I normally would ignore. You would prefer that I talk/write normally, but I get this “feeling” almost like being “high”. The world seems to transform - and that’s what I want to capture.

It’s like turning on some kind of “radar”, that things seem to jump out in front of me.

Durn, the first way I posted the image is like what Joanna did, but then I saw the pipe, and “reality” snuck in. I was oblivious of all this when I took the photo - took five or six shots, just “in case”.

(I just went out to buy bagels, and a battery for my “Lightning Bug”, but I took my D780, so I was actively searching for unusual things.)

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Another similar attempt:

Yep, that is likely the case - in the “real world” these are meaningless photographs that I’m just wasting my time with. But I rather enjoy “my world”. I’m always looking for new ways to see things, partly because of things Joanna has taught me, but now it needs no encouragement. The photo I posted last night of the bicycles - good example. The “normal” me never would have thought to rotate the image to get the effect I wanted. You’ll probably look at it, and point out what is wrong with the image. Last year, I never would have thought to have done some of this stuff, but now I enjoy doing it.

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