Howe much to upgrade from PL7 Essential to PL7 Elite?

Best way to get it is to not buy before black friday.
They’ll have to do it as they usually do if they want their money. The whole photolab suite is expensive enough.

I’ll say my piece and bow out… generic dislike for “subscription models” is, in my view, a folly. Make your judgement of any specific subscription model when it eventuates.

I bet if they said “a dollar a month” you’d leap at it.

I would not ! I really would not !
Problem is that after using it for a while I would be hostage ! I could not stop it without losing the work done. And then, the company could do what it wants !

So whatever price I would not succumb to this lure.

And since DxO has already acted in a less than straightforward manner, I have no reason to trust them on such matters.

So long as you are privy to their plans, you have a point.

We’ll see what v8 has in store for us.

Thanks dxodm, you make some good points. My system is a 6 core 3.7 Ghz i5, with 32 gig RAM, Nvidia GTX1660 Super graphics, and1600x1200 monitor. This should be fine for both On1 and DxO (if perhaps a bit underwhelming for Deep Prime).

I can tell when my graphics card is working hard, because it has fans which kick in. This happens with some games, but doesn’t happen with On1. I have no qualms about upgrading my hardware if necessary, but On1 support hasn’t suggested to me that this is what I need to do.

I will be doing what you suggest, ie trialling v8 when it comes out, so I will see then!

Thanks for your post.

The beauty of DeepPRIME and its variants is they only tax your system at export time.

Long before I had a powerful computer, I would just set a batch export running and go away from the computer to do something else.

Just following up on earlier comments now that I have been trialling PL8 for a while. It is much faster than ON1, and so far I haven’t had any crashes or freezes (which are commonplace with On1).

Also, On1 uses 50% cpu all the time, even when it is doing nothing, but PL8 is much better behaved. The graphics card fan doesn’t whine while using PL8 either!

But the thing that is clinching it for me is that I am getting better results more easily with PL8.

Very happy with the PL8 experience so far.

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That more or less sums up my experience when comparing PhotoLab to ON1 and I have owned the most current versions of both for years. I only use ON1 on rare occasions when there is some specific feature I need that is not possible to replicate in PhotoLab.
