How to install DXO Nik4 to ON1 (as a plugin) (Mac)
Press the Command + Shift + . (period) keys at the same time. This will make your hidden files visible.
Using finder, navigate to : Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/ON1/ON1 PhotoRaw 2022/PhotoshopPlugins/
If you don’t have a subdirectory called “PhotoshopPlugins”, create one. If you have installed an adobe photo product it will be there.
Seps 1 & 2 can be accomplished from within the program if you would prefer. Go to Preferences > Plugins and click the button Show Default Folder. It will open the folder in either the Finder or Windows Explorer. And then from Finder you have to “show the enclosing folder” to drag it to favourites so you can access it in the Nik setup screen as per my step 4. To do that you have to go to the menu on finder and select “Go” then “Enclosing Folder” or the shortcut key combo command and up-arrow.
Drag that subdirectory to your favourites in finder because when you are doing the NIK install, it won’t show in the version of finder that opens up from the installed and you will need it be able to click on it in favourites.
- Process Nik Collection by DxO installation
- During “Compatible Host” step, click on + to create a custom plugins folder in your preferred directory (use the combination shift+Cmd+n if necessary), then click Open
- In the installer, you will see a Adobe Photoshop Custom1 host added to your list
- You will have to click on the “PhotoShopPlugins” from your favourites to select it.
- By successively clicking on Continue and Install , a ‘DxO’ folder will be created in background in the directory you chose
- This ‘DxO’ folder will contain all Nik Collection by DxO plugins
- Continue installation until finished and click on Close
Nik4 will then show up in ON1 under the menu item “Layer/Filters/NikCollection