How to add copyright to IPTC by default

Basically, in LR I was able to add some personal copyright text to all images imported. How can I do this in Photolab? I can see how I could simply add it to the field in the first image in any set I work with and then use the copy-paste metadata function to propagate it, but it would be more convenient if I could just add it to all images, by default. I’ve tried “creating a preset from current settings” and then applying it - but that does not work, and, anyway, I am not sure how I would apply that preset on import.

Is this actually possible in PhotoLab?


There isn’t preset for the IPTCs, which I still don’t understand :thinking:
In my opinion, DXO should have done it as soon as the IPTC field appears, it seems so obvious, but that …
You can select all your images from a folder and add the copyright at once.
Personally, I have reference images with different IPTCs and I copy/paste according to needs.


Ironically, it used to be possible to assign values to EXIF Artist, Copyright, etc … Until that was “broken” with the introduction of IPTC settings !!


One possibility, independent of PhotoLab:
Does your camera have the option of entering personal data, such as name, copyright, etc.? This information is written to the metadata of the RAW files and can then also be seen in the IPTC data in PhotoLab. This is possible with Nikon, for example.


I have just tested and actually with the PL4 the author and copyright data were in the presets, which is no longer the case since the V5 with the appearance of the IPTC palette.

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It’s also possible with Canon. I’d be surprised if it’s not an option for any brand.

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Yep !! - That feature was “broken” with introduction of IPTC.

I’m not sure but I think there is no place for copyright in the IPTC section. It belongs to the EXIF part. Both IPTC and XMP are extensions of the EXIF. And EXIF is the camera itself and what can be set in the camera. Just my thoughts.


Indeed, doing it like this. There is an IPTC Preset Manager for my camera. And I can assign via the IPTC.xmp file, the settings automatically to each photo made. For my needs, that’s enough.

Not so. See IPTC Photo Metadata Standard 2023.2.

At the moment, the only efficient way of adding copyright, etc., in IPTC if you’re a PL user is through using a separate DAM (digital asset manager). For example, I use IMatch (Windows only).

Copyright is standard written in the camera. Keywords are written with ViewNx2 direct to the raw file in a IPTC and XMP section. PL reads the XMP section. I do add the keywords before I open the images in PL.


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Thanks Klick. Yes; this is what I went for. Thanks