How do I select the lens if PL4 was not able to detect it atomaticaly

I took some pictures with Pentax K-50 and Sigma 150-500. There is such combination available in Optics Module but PL4 is not matching in from the RAW.


How can I select the lens that was used for the Optics Module to apply correction.

All pictures with this lens has the same problem

Good morning @jacdyj76 and welcome to the forum,

Is it the combination you are talking about?

  • If yes, please, provide me with some sample images for the investigation.

Please, upload them via and let me know when ready.

Thank you
Svetlana G.

Hi @sgospodarenko and @jacdyj76

I guess you misspell the upload site, it should be


1 Like

Yep, thank you!

I uploaded one of the pictures. Yes the combination of camera and lens is what I used to take the pictures.

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This sounds like the problem I had here


Good morning,

Alan, but in your case you see the green icon “available for download”, right? And this is a bit different issue.

Thank you
Svetlana G.

Good morning @jacdyj76 ,

I’ve just received a reply from the dedicated team: “It appeared to be quite a complex case. Using the current code and the lens table, we are not able to determine what lens is set there. Neither ExifTool can. Maybe, a firmware update could help the customer to pass a better data from the lens to the image metadata.”

So could you, please, try to update it and let us know the result? And we are doing the investigation in the meantime.

Thank you
Svetlana G.

I will look into that and reply in this topic.

On the other hand it would be great if PL4 had that feature to override/correct the settings discovered automaticaly. Can I request such feature?

Appreciate your help,


Yep, you can create a feature request in the dedicated section.

Svetlana G.