How do I access Filmpack 7 in Pholo Lab 7?

I must be dense, but I just purchased PL7 Elite and FP 7. I am not seeing how to access FP 7 from within PL7. I can launch it stand alone. I thought it was supposed to be able to be launched from with PL 7 as well? Any help is greatly appreciated.

The FP7 functions are integrated into PL7 after entering your activation code into PL7.

In the Color palette. They are listed in the Color renderings. (Generic Rendering is the default type but the others are there). Time Machine is a bit below.

You don’t actually launch the FilmPack standalone from within PhotoLab. The FilmPack features are built into PhotoLab. A Filmpack license unhides them. They are integrated into PhotoLab and don’t look the same as they do in the Standalone version. The activation is accomplished in the Help menu.


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open the filmpack panel and you’ll get more, but presets are under color rendering.

You wil also see additional fine contrast sliders in the Contrast palette