a lot of formats are closed - like every other camera has a non DNG formatted raw, so ? what about Nikon compressed files (HE* & HE) ? they are what open formats ?
My daughter sent some iPhone photos for perspective corrections. They came in as HEIC files.
No, not RAW photos, but it sure would be nice to use DXO perspective tools!!!
And for phone DNGs
While not as good as having PL support HEIC directly, there is a free HEIC to JPEG converter available for MAC and Windows - iMazing Converter | Free Photo HEIC to JPEG and Video HEVC to MPEG-4 Conversion Tool. At least you would then be able to apply perspective corrections to the JPEGs.
@SAFC01 for Mac, HEIC conversion is already in context menu. What does this converter better than the already available OS-tool?
Probably nothing. I’ve never had a MAC so wasn’t aware of the built-in converter.
Ah, I see, I was just curious Mac OS‘s inbuilt preview still surprises me from time to time. On the other hand, Apple did introduce the HEIC/HEIF types to iOS, so they were under pressure to move them to OS X as well. And they did.
I’ve created a simple Automator Quick Action which convert the selected image format into jpg.
I simply right click and chose Quick Action and convert to jpg or another to tif.
Works with what ever format macOS can mange, .nef, heic, png et al.
I use Finder’s context-menu > quick actions (Schnellaktionen) > convert to JPEG / PNG / HEIF to also change the output size (only in 3 steps and Original), but if I do so, the picture gets a Klein / Mittel / Groß suffix.
You missed the point.
I have HEIC converters too, which I used and the DXO perspective tools worked well. I also have other perspective corrections too. But are we suppose to jump between software tools for photo processing depending on the source of the photo?
I originally came to DXO just for the RAW processing (converter) and I read many folks do just that - convert the RAW file to another format and then switch to other software to finish processing.
I sense that DXO wants to be a more complete software suite of tools for any photo that needs basic tone/color/perspective correction without all the “photoshopping” photo manipulation tools.
I vote for DXO to consider the any photo aspect.
I try a change from Capture One to PL7 and a not supported HEIC/HEIF Format from iPhone is a big issue for my final decision.
The Support of HEIC is a musst have today!
Is there any offical statement from DXO?
They said years ago it was going to be supported (it will be before PL4, don’t worry about that.) but never did so.
I voted for this request today and tried to go through the entire thread but could not… just a lot to read through.
I want to understand the latest situation. I am not interested in editing HEIF/HEIC images from iPhone / iPad / Mac / etc. I want to export my raw files to HEIC/HEIF after editing/NR in PL.
Does PhotoLab 7 export to HEIF/HEIC? Or, is there a plan to add this feature in 7, or upcoming 8?
a workaround is to export tiff to application which is a command line script that will convert your tiff to whatever you want and then script deletes tiff … that way you do not need to wait for DxO to do anything
What is the command line application/script you’re referring to? I am not familiar with any Windows 11 programs that convert from TIFF to HEIF/HEIC. Thanks.
command line tool imagemagick ( https://imagemagick.org/ ) converts to HEIC
PS: if you have troubles compiling required additional binaries , then - for example - you can use precompiled ones = Release v1.14.0 - codec plugins / svt-av1 backend · pphh77/libheif-Windowsbinary · GitHub ( not the latest release, but shall be OK )
Thanks for that link. I will try it
you can directly use compiled binaries from LibHeif w/o integrating them into imagemagick, unless you want to use some additional imagemagick functionality
The TIFF/ imagemagick workaround will most probably loose color space information. At least Idid. Since years I am looking for an HDR/Heic workflow.
I don’t know why we are getting tons of AI features but no reasonable HDR workflow. I cancelled my Lightroom subscription because of that. What a pity no company picks up the ball.