I’ve been experiencing a very upsetting bug with photolab 8: I can’t use my mouse pointer accurately when I use the healing tool, as this tool is applied with an offset. The tool is therefore useless.
Am I the only one? Is there something I could do to fix this?
I’m quite flabbergasted. This is a very annoying problem, I suppose it’s not affecting everyone or else the forum would be filled with this kind of message…
Is there anything I could do to solve this?
[Edit] I’m working with a second display (BenQ 27" 4k). If I put dxo on the macbook pro display, healing works reliably (with or without the BenQ on). It’s when I work on the larger display that the offset occurs. Note that the offset is “optically” the same, no matter how zoomed in the image I am. So with a very high level zoom, that offset is effectively quite smaller than in full view. At least I know how to make healing work on my system. I did not notice this problem earlier (and I’ve been using dxo Photolab for years now…)
This is the first time I’ve heard of this problem and I have been reading virtually everything posted here for the last 7 years. I suggest you create a support ticket.
I suspect that is the problem. While as @mwsilvers has said, no one else has reported this particular problem, there are several topics discussing how using Photolab with multiple monitors doesn’t always seem to be as simple as it should be - especially when it comes to colour management across different monitors.
I too suggest you create a support ticket.