Has DxO provided information on DxO Smart Lighting, and how to find it

I am surprised you don’t agree since I was just paraphrasing what you wrote. You indicated “I have not been trying to “master” anything, just finding out where the instructions are for when/if I need them.” But it is unimportant now.

Happily, you now have more than enough time and experience invested in PhotoLab to figure out almost anything a casual user like yourself would need to know. Of course, If you run into problems or are confused about how a feature works, just ask… especially if you can’t find documentation or videos to assist you. There are knowledgeable users here who will be happy to answer specific questions about features if you are stuck and can’t proceed.

Good luck with the Darktable learning curve and have a safe trip to India.


When he requests info from Nikon he also ends up with a link to the manual.


Most times, Nikon sends me on-line links to support pages, which go a long ways beyond the printed manual. A lot of that information might also be here, in Nikon’s Online Manual::
D780 Online Manual

There are several other links I’ve been given, including this one:
D780 | Digitutor | Nikon Consumer

Most importantly there is this almost-three-hoour video, which explains just about everything about the D780, including all the menu settings, and which to use, and why. It’s the best training video I’ve found about any Nikon model:

This person also sells a “Crash Course” in how to use the D780, which goes much further.

What I’ve learned about this type of links, is not to do anything unless I know how to un-do the change I made. Following the advice in this thread, and randomly making changes just to see what happens, is never a good idea, unless you also know how to restore things to “factory settings”. Try it on a computer, without knowing what you’re doing and why, means you’ll likely be getting back to the computer support people to put things back to “normal”.

For my Nikon, there are lots more links, but I have found these to be the best. Here’s one of the many links my buddy Ken Rockwell posted:

Of all the above, the almost-three hour video I posted in my third link is by far, my favorite, and it covers just about every aspect of the camera. It doesn’t cover silly things I might have done without knowing what I was doing, but the almost three-hour video usually helps me get things back to how they should be.

For anything computer related, my best advice is if you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t do anything - and if you go ahead anyway, make sure you know how to put things back to where they used to be. Unless, of course, you’ve got an Apple computer, where Apple Tech Support will take as long as necessary to get your confused computer back to the normal settings. End of speech. :slight_smile:

George, regarding what you posted, Nikon and Apple may be unique about this. When I tried to help my brother fix his Windows computer, the first thing they wanted to know was if it was still on Warranty. Ditto for Microsoft, when I tried to help get his Outlook Mail app working again, after a Microsoft update broke it. $$$$$

Both Apple and Nikon send me links to anything they think will help me in the future. And back to Nikon, there books and Books available for sale about many Nikon camera models, especially so for the more “professional” camera models.

Thanks, Mark.
I won’t be posting things in this forum about DarkTable.
India? Probably. One project is 4K eye surgery videos with Nikon and Sony cameras mounted on a microscope.

So, what happened to your admonition here…

Just the same MM-routine as always, what else?

That was a response to George, correcting what he posted. Nikon sends me all sorts of information when I have a question. I often get better, or more complete answers from others.

My “admonition” got blown out of the water, when I accepted that what I was searching for simply did not, does not, and likely will not, exist. Apparently there is no answer that I was hoping to find, and all the attempts are incomplete. You are the one person who actually came closest to providing the information I was searching for. I accept that now, and have given up on finding anything better. It’s a pointless search, which I accept. There is no “magic rainbow” with the answer at the end of the rainbow. Perhaps PhotoLab and the related items are more than DxO can support, at least not in the ways that other companies do? I dunno. But regardless, I’ve given up looking for something that apparently does not exist. Maybe the existing documentation is all that’s needed, but I’m not smart enough to understand it properly - but you’ve shot down every other source of information as being incomplete. I accept that now.

With the exception of PL7, I’ve bought every version since PL3, and the full (more expensive) versions. But for you, I might have gone back to Lightroom long ago.

This thread was created in response to the wandering topics discussed in the “Off-topic” megathreads. The commitment was to keep the topic specific and about DxO software tools. It appears to be wandering off-topic like the others.

@mikemeyers: Do you have the answer to your question(s) regarding Smart Lighting?

Milke and others: Can we now stop responding to this thread until new information becomes available regarding the Smart Lighting tool?

The “Off-topic” threads still seem active for those that want to babble on with Mike.
Please, please, please return there!



For anyone sending me a message, please send a message, not a post, and if it needs to be a post, put it the off-topic thread, or start your own new thread

@swmurray - I will try to be more careful where I post, and hopefully questions to me will be in one of those two places, a message (best) or the off-topic thread. This thread can remain on DxO Smart Lighting.

Deleted by me.


There are many other things, but for my life, photography has always been near the top.