Does anyone know of instructions and/or guidance on how to use the “Recovery”, “Fill Light”, and “Blacks” sliders in the “Basic” section of the “Develop” module of Lightroom (my version is 6.14)? These sliders are specific to DXO PhotoRaw pre-processed DNGs imported into Lightroom. I cannot find any reference to them in the PhotoRaw user guide nor in these forums. Thanks in advance.
Hopefully someone here can assist you, but keep in mind this is not a support site for Adobe products.
Welcome to the forum, @HW11
Try the sliders to find out what they do.
As for why these sliders come up, some posts have addressed the issue of PureRAW exporting files that trigger old Lightroom tools. You can also address directly. Just bear in mind that Lr 6 is fairly old and not officially supported by DxO.
Which version of PureRAW do you use?
These sliders seem to be Lr3 specific, process version PV2010 (or PV2003 ?).
Thanks so much, Platypus (and Wlodek and Mark) - really appreciate the quick and helpful replies. I’ve done some further testing and this does appear to be a problem with build 3.14.0/1 and Lightroom 6.14. Luckily, there is a quick work around: set the Process version under Camera Calibration in LR from 2003 to 2012(current). This can be done as a batch copy.
Yes, that’s the “official” way to deal with the sliders. Nevertheless, it feels strange that DxO changed PureRAW to deliver a format that switches Lr to an old process version.
On PureRAW and PV2003 (version 1), see also recent Issue with DXO files being imported into Lightroom Classic - #6 by krw108105 :
That would be PureRAW 3.15
Both PureRAW 3…14 and 3.13 trigger an older Lr Process version…on Mac.
PureRAW 4 has different version numbers, but I have no license for PR4.