Glitch with crop and local adjustments in PL5 (windows)?

When I put a local adjustment on a photo, as i start to make an adjustment, the photo flickers and appears to go back to the original photo. The adjustment point is still there and I can edit it second time round. Similarly, when I crop, I get the photo flickering, then it resets to a cropped verison albiet with the crop slightly displaced. The crop can be changed as normal on the second attempt. Anyone else seeing this/ know what is going on/ how to resolve it?

This is “normal”, due to DxO optimized display speed by calculating a downsampled (pixelated) version of the image for functions related to light and color parameters. This gain in display fluidity results in a momentarily blurry display which can be disturbing.

It’s not normal as far as I’m concerned. I’m a long time user and this is a glitch for me - never seen it in previous versions. It’s not only a glitch - it is really annoying. I may not have explained it very well - it is not what you describe re: sliders.

I’m sorry.
Could you try a video ?

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It feels like a preview refresh, but changing the checkbox to Always show high quality previews has no effect on it. My handheld phone video is attached ! First attempt at crop - you will see a delay and the screen goes black. I haven’t pressed enter at this point, just let go of the crop. There is delay as i try to press ctrl-Z to show that on the second attempt, there is no screen blackout. I only press enter at the end when I have the crop over the geese.

I just did exactly what you did on several images in two folders and I initially did not get a blackout or any other anomaly when clicking on the Close button for the crop tool. The raw files were around 25-28mb in size.

Next, I tested a 92 mb.raf file from a Fuji GFX 100S medium format camera and experienced a different anomaly than what you saw. Rather than a blackout, another part of this large image appeared cropped momentarily the first time I clicked on close, but everything cropped without a blackout or other anomaly correctly the second time

I suspect this odd behavior may be related to file size and/or hardware limitations. How big are your raw files?


File size in the video was 24 MB. It’s an old file that I’d already processed previously without issue.

It’s a PL5 thing as far as I’m concerned - not seen this before with PL4 or PL3. My PC is decent spec (32GB RAM, Ryzen 3700X, RTX2060 and a very fast SSD) - though, as I say not an issue with PL4 last week!

Hello @Phossy ,

Could you, please provide us with your logs (%UserProfile%\Documents\DxO PhotoLab 5 logs), image + sidecar.

Please, upload them to and let us know when ready.

Thank you
Svetlana G.

The link reports too many files (5 max) when I drop the Logs folder on

Could you, please, put them in one archive and upload?

Thank you
Svetlana G.

I don’t know what you mean by that.

She means that you should create and upload a single .zip file containing all the logs.


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Thank you.

I zipped everything up submitted it as directed. I had assumed I’d get some feedback, but none to date.