Getting back to shooting my 'Grass' long-term project

I’ve been waiting patiently for the Summer to kick in, as the long grass re-appears and I can carry on with my long-term project ‘Grass’.


Very nice!

Very minor niggle is to not crop the curved stalk at the top. Waddya think?

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Thanks Joanna. No, I’m pretty happy with the crop as is, I think. To not crop the stalk at the top (which was never going to be in focus anyway) would mean I would either have to shoot vertically, which wasn’t the look I was going for, or to stand back to fit more of the scene in, and then I would lose some prominence and impact on the ear in focus.

But thanks for the suggestion, though.

No problem. Must be just my OCD kicking in :woozy_face:

Just followed the link to your Glass account - again. Superb work :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: