Generating preview

I loaded the new DxO PL2 v 2.2.1 build 30 today. One thing I seemingly noticed right away is the lag when switching from one photo to another. I can’t fall back on an earlier version to compare, but it seems as if the lag is noticeably longer as PL attempts to generate a correction preview, and the little spinner goes for a few seconds.

This happens even when you go back to a photo you viewed a few minutes ago.

Why is correction preview taking so long? Was it always this slow and I never noticed? Should I get PL to recognise and preload all of the corrections I have made to raw images? I thought that was one of the items addressed in 2.2.1?



I noticed this and for me the image is out of focus until the preview completes.


…on my 2019 iMac (2.9 GHz 4 core), I get lag times of up to 3 seconds. Also when going back. The cache does not seem to work or is not used at all.


On my windows install the same, this is 7D2 images, 5DS its 8 seconds. But the cache does seem to work as moving between them is much faster once opened.

Ok I am glad I am not the only one who noticed. The fuzzing and out is bothersome on the eyes and the performance of the app really should be better. It’s not really a bug or defect per se, but it has me wondering about falling back to 2.1.30.


For me its about 4 sec inclusive rendering the changes made. But it was always like that. No idea how this could happen faster. I think maybe it would be necessary for faster preview to create always a complete file which would blow up space needed for storing. And every change you make on the RAW must directly be copied into this. But only a presumption.

Probably so, it was probably always the behavior exhibited by PL2. The only reason I noticed it now is the fuzzing in and out of the images, which I do think is new. Formerly, I would be deep in examining the image and not noticing the preview recalculation.

Thanks for your observation.


Indeed. Now simply scrolling through images is visually irritating.

Good catch Tom and Rex.

Microsoft and PhaseOne destroyed iView Media Pro (sometimes Expression Media) by adding this fuzzy preview feature. I don’t know what software engineer thinks it improves productivity to give visually sensitive people a really ugly image preview for a few seconds.

It doesn’t. It makes it almost impossible for us to use the software. Either nothing or an accurate preview please.


…and some sensible caching too…


Tag your post with “bug”.

I may be confused about this issue. I run DXO PhotoLab 2.2.1 on an i7 Windows 10 machine with 24GB of ram and an older Nvidia 745 card and I see none of this blurriness issue as described. I originally thought this was a Mac only issue until I saw your post.

When opening an image it takes around 3 seconds for a previously edited one to have all the settings applied to it and for the spinner to stop. For no more than a half-second the image is a bit blurry and for the remaining 2.5 seconds the image resembles the unedited raw file until the edits are fully applied. For unedited raw and jpeg files, or jpegs with saved edits, it also takes no more than a half-second for the image to stabilize.

If I am zoomed in above 75% and change to a previously edited image it takes around 3 or 4 additional seconds for all the edits to be applied, but tit still only remains blurry for around the first half second, For unedited raw and jpeg files above 75% zoom it takes slightly longer than at below 75% and is still blurry for a fraction of a second

Is this conversation about something other than this? I don’t see this as a problem at all. Is this problem related to very large TIFF files perhaps? I can comfortably live with the current half-second of slight blurriness when an image is opened.


Yes that is the issue, the lengthy fuzziness of the image. But you are still on 2.1.1 and I did not notice this behavior (or it did not bug me so) until 2.2.1.

My images are 24mp raws on a MacBook Pro w/ 16GB memory and 8 cores. Little bit less beef than your Win 10 machine, but plenty to go around.

I am on 2.2.1. My error! It was a typo and I will go back to correct my original post. I was initially thinking that this could be a Mac issue until John7, who is also running Windows 10, indicated he was having the same problem, although he does not mention the blurriness. Since I also don’t have this problem on my less beefy laptop with 16gb of ram, I’m guessing it may be a Mac only issue after all.


I have the delay in PL loading the images, not much blurring that I can see. Its always been slow at loading, Lightroom, as I remember was much quicker but given it came from being a DAM origin I am not surprised and it may not have to do so much processing. i also recall Lightroom was re written to speed it up before I stopped using bit so may be the programing was better written than PL for loading images as well.

I noticed that this problems starts when you activate the “Customize” mode.
You can try the following :
If you start PL2 in “Photolibrary” mode (means quit previous session in Photolibrary mode), you will notice that the navigation in the library is normally fast.
Then if you go “Customize” button, the loading becomes very slow.
Then if you come back to “Photolibrary” the loading stays very slow.

My version is 2.2.1 build 30 but I have this problem since black Friday 2018, when I upgraded my DxO OpticsPro 11 license.



I run DXO Photolab 2, version 2.2.2, on a MacBook Pro 2015 ( Core i7 2.2GHZ, 16GB Ram, SSD),
and noticed also some slow down when opening RAW Picture :
My pictures are coming from a NIKON D750, 24 MPixel. a raw file is about 30 MB.

when using DXO on MacBook Pro without external monitor :
I found a way to speed up a little bit the “correction preview” step :

I set my MacBook Pro in default screen size, instead of using the Retina resolution.
then, the picture are opening faster. not as fast as Lightroom, but really faster : around 2 seconds only to be ready to manage.
I use this tips to rate, and reject photos.
then, after that step, I switch back to retina, to “develop” the pictures.

Hope this could help.


DxO says, that opening DPL in low resolution mode helps speed things up.
To do this, right-click on the DPL icon and open the info dialog. There you can set DPL to open in Low res. mode.
See towards the end of this post:

This is a great tip. At the same time photographers did not buy 4K monitors and €200 darkroom software to work in low resolution. DxO PhotoLab is wonderful software but it really needs proper optimisation to work at full speed on modern hardware (I’m on a Mac 12 core tower with a Radeon RX 580 with 8 GB of VRAM and 128 GB of RAM)so there’s no shortage of GPU or CPU or memory). Sony A7 III files are acceptable but not instant, Canon 5DS R files process with the fluidity of molasses on my system at full resolution.

Alec, which card are you using, and do you get the boot screen with it?